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Generation and characterization of a novel Prkcd-cre rat model

jneurosci.org 1 day ago


Activity of central amygdala (CeA) PKCδ expressing neurons has been linked to appetite regulation, anxiety-like behaviors, pain sensitivity, and addiction-related behaviors. Studies of the role that CeA PKCδ+ neurons play in these behaviors have largely been carried out in mice, and genetic tools that would allow selective manipulation of PKCδ+ cells in rats have been lacking. Here, we used a CRISPR/Cas9 strategy to generate a transgenic Prkcd-cre knock-in rat, and characterized this model using anatomical, electrophysiological and behavioral approaches in both sexes. In the CeA, Cre was selectively expressed in PKCδ+ cells. Anterograde projections of PKCδ+ neurons to cortical regions, subcortical regions, several hypothalamic nuclei, the amygdala complex, and midbrain dopaminergic regions were largely consistent with published mouse data. In a behavioral screen, we found no differences between Cre+ rats and Cre- wildtype littermates. Optogenetic stimulation of CeA PKCδ+ neurons in a palatable food intake assay resulted in an increased latency to first feeding and decreased total food intake, once again replicating published mouse findings. Lastly, using a real-time place preference task, we found that stimulation of PKCδ+ neurons promoted aversion, without affecting locomotor activity. Collectively, these findings establish the novel Prkcd-Cre rat line as a valuable tool, that complements available mouse lines for investigating the functional role of PKCδ+ neurons.

Significance Statement The central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA), involved in processing threat and aversion signals, comprises multiple neuronal subtypes. Expression of protein kinase C isoform δ, PKCδ, marks CeA neurons that respond to aversive stimuli, and have also been shown to play a role in alcohol-related behaviors. Genetic tools to investigate the functional role of PKCδ+ neurons in rat models have been lacking. We describe the development and characterization of a novel Prkcd knock-in transgenic rat generated using CRISPR strategy. In this model, we confirm known projection targets of CeA PKCδ+ neurons and replicate functional consequences of their activation previously found in mice. This establishes the line as a novel model to study the role of PKCδ+ neurons in rat models.


  • M.H. has received consulting fees, research support, or other compensation from Indivior, Camurus, BrainsWay, Aelis Farma, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

  • The other authors declare no competing financial interests.

  • Open access funding provided by Linkoping University. Supported by the Swedish Research Council (2019-01138, M.H), Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (M.H), Lions Research Funding (E.D), Funding from the European Union - Next-GenerationEU – National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) – MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, INVESTMENT N. 1.1, CALL PRIN 2022 PNRR D.D. 1409 of 14-09-22– P2022ZXF98; CUP N. J53D23016140001 (E.D) & NIH R01 grant AA29924 (C.W).

  • Confocal imaging was performed using instrumentation at Linköping University Core Facility - Microscopy Unit: we thank Dr. Vesa Loitto for expert consultation. We thank Dr. J. Wiskerke and the Technical Platform for Optogenetics and Optical Imaging from the Center for Systems Neurobiology, Linköping University for assistance with the optogenetics experiments. We thank Dr. Lovisa Holm & Dr. Sarantuya Enkhjargal for maintaining the Cre rat line and performing genotyping. We thank Mr. Leon Höglund for assisting with developmental screening of Cre animals.

  • *These authors share equal contribution

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