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Tech tools farmers can use to improve productivity

Punch Newspapers 3 days ago

Insecurity and rising operational costs have posed challenges to the country. In this article, DANIEL ADAJI explores how agricultural firms can increase productivity with technology

Smart technology in agriculture refers to the use of advanced sensors, drones, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and data analytics to enhance various aspects of farming operations.

These technologies enable real-time monitoring, precise decision-making, and automation, ultimately leading to improved yields, resource efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Food scarcity remains a pressing global issue exacerbated by factors like climate change, population growth, and resource constraints. Agricultural firms can mitigate these challenges by adopting smart technologies that optimise crop production and livestock management.

Precision agriculture

Utilising sensors and IoT devices to monitor soil moisture, nutrient levels, and crop health allows for precise irrigation and fertilisation. This targeted approach minimises resource wastage and enhances crop yields.

Drones and satellite imagery

Drones equipped with multispectral cameras can provide detailed insights into crop health and growth patterns. Satellite imagery offers a broader perspective, aiding in large-scale monitoring and early detection of potential issues like pest infestations or drought.

Data-driven decision making

AI and machine learning algorithms analyse vast amounts of data collected from sensors and other sources. These insights empower farmers to make data-driven decisions regarding planting schedules, pest control strategies, and optimal harvest times.

Mitigating high operational costs

Rising operational costs, including fuel, labour and inputs, challenge the profitability of agricultural firms. Smart technologies offer several strategies to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.


Automated systems for planting, irrigation, and harvesting streamline labour-intensive tasks, reducing dependency on manual labour and labour costs.

Predictive maintenance

IoT-enabled sensors can monitor machinery and equipment in real-time, predicting maintenance needs before breakdowns occur. This proactive approach minimises downtime and repair costs.

Energy management

Smart grids and renewable energy solutions (like solar-powered irrigation systems) optimise energy consumption, lowering utility bills and reducing the carbon footprint of agricultural operations.

Enhancing sustainability

In addition to productivity and cost-efficiency, smart technology promotes sustainability by minimising environmental impact and conserving natural resources:

Water management

Smart irrigation systems revolutionise water management in agriculture by leveraging real-time data to optimise water application.

These advanced systems continuously monitor soil moisture, temperature, and other environmental factors to adjust water delivery precisely, ensuring crops receive the right amount of water at the right time.

Precision application of inputs

Variable rate technology ensures precise application of fertilisers and pesticides, minimising runoff and environmental contamination.

Carbon footprint reduction

Adopting precision agriculture practices and renewable energy sources significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with traditional farming methods.

Precision agriculture increases crop growth, minimising waste and reducing the need for synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power replace fossil fuels, decreasing emissions from farm equipment and irrigation systems.

This integrated approach not only mitigates climate change but also enhances crop yields, improves soil health, and supports sustainable agriculture.

Overcoming challenges

While the benefits of smart technology in agriculture are substantial, several challenges hinder widespread adoption:

Initial investment

The cost of purchasing and implementing smart technologies can be prohibitive for small-scale farmers or agricultural firms with limited capital.

Data security and privacy

Collecting and analysing sensitive farm data raises concerns about cybersecurity and data privacy. Implementing robust security measures and adhering to data protection regulations are crucial.

Technical expertise

Operating and maintaining smart technology systems requires specialised knowledge and training. Providing education and support to farmers is essential for successful adoption.

Streamlining farm accounting

Farm accounting is a critical component of agricultural management, allowing farmers to track income, expenses, and profits accurately. Traditionally, this process has been cumbersome and prone to errors due to manual record-keeping methods.

However, with the advent of smartphones and laptops, farmers now have powerful tools at their disposal to streamline their accounting processes. This comprehensive guide explores how farmers can effectively use smartphones and laptops for farm accounting, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and overall financial management.

Setting up your farm accounting system

Setting up a robust farm accounting system lays the foundation for efficient financial management

Choose an accounting software

Select user-friendly accounting software with mobile app capabilities and cloud syncing options. Popular choices include QuickBooks, Xero, Wave, and FreshBooks, which offer tailored solutions for small to medium-sized farms.

Set up your chart of accounts: Create a customized chart of accounts that includes categories for income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and equity specific to your farm operations.

Configure your accounting software

Input your farm’s financial information such as tax rates, payment terms, and initial balances to ensure accurate recording and reporting.

Using smartphones for farm accounting

Smartphones offer convenient tools for managing farm finances on the go:

Download the accounting App

Install the mobile app of your chosen accounting software on your smartphone from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Record transactions

Log income from crop sales, livestock sales, subsidies, and other sources directly into the app. Enter expenses for seeds, fertilisers, equipment maintenance, and labour costs as they occur.

Capture receipts

Take photos of receipts using your smartphone’s camera and upload them to the accounting app. This feature ensures accurate expense tracking and simplifies tax preparation.

Monitor finances

Access real-time financial data, check account balances, view transaction histories, and generate basic reports directly from your smartphone.

Using laptops for farm accounting

Laptops provide more extensive functionalities for in-depth financial management:

Access your accounting software

Log in to the web-based version of your accounting software on your laptop to access comprehensive financial information and perform detailed tasks.

Generate reports

Create detailed reports such as income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and customized financial reports to analyse farm performance over time.

Budget and forecast

Utilise budgeting tools within the accounting software to plan income and expenses for the upcoming year. Forecast financial outcomes based on historical data and market trends.

Manage payroll

Process payroll for farm employees, calculate wages, deductions, and taxes, and generate payroll reports to ensure compliance with labour regulations.

Integrating smartphone and laptop accounting

Integration ensures seamless synchronisation and data management across devices:

Cloud syncing

Enable cloud syncing between your smartphone and laptop to ensure that all financial data, transactions, and updates are automatically updated and accessible from both devices.

Data backup is a crucial step in farm accounting to prevent data loss due to device failure, accidental deletion, or cyber-attacks.

Regularly back up your accounting data to a secure cloud storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive, or use an external storage device like a USB drive or hard drive. Schedule automatic backups to ensure consistency and minimise data loss. Verify the integrity of backed-up data to ensure recoverability.

Best practices for farm accounting

Implementing best practices enhances the effectiveness of your farm accounting system:

Regularly reconcile accounts

Compare transactions recorded in your accounting software with bank statements to identify discrepancies and ensure accuracy.

Track inventory and equipment

Use accounting software features to track inventory levels of crops, livestock, and supplies. Monitor depreciation and maintenance costs of farm equipment.

Set up automatic payments and reminders

Schedule recurring payments for bills and utilities using automated payment features. Set reminders for upcoming payments and financial deadlines.

Consult with an accountant or bookkeeper

Seek professional advice from an accountant or bookkeeper familiar with agricultural finances to optimize tax strategies and financial reporting.

Ensuring farm Security with the help of smartphones and laptops

Farm security is crucial for protecting agricultural assets, livestock, equipment, and personnel from theft, vandalism, and other security threats. Effective security measures not only mitigate financial losses but also ensure continuity of operations and safety on the farm.

Role of smartphones and laptops in modern farm security

Advancements in smart technology, coupled with the widespread availability of smartphones and laptops, have revolutionized farm security. These devices enable real-time monitoring, remote management, and quick response capabilities, enhancing overall security and operational efficiency on farms.

Unique challenges faced by farms

Vast perimeters

Farms typically cover large areas with multiple access points, making it challenging to monitor and secure every boundary effectively.

Remote locations

Many farms are situated in rural or isolated areas, often far from immediate law enforcement or emergency services, which delays response times in case of security incidents.

Livestock management

Ensuring the safety and security of livestock grazing over expansive fields is crucial to prevent theft and harm.

Equipment protection

Farms contain valuable equipment and machinery essential for daily operations, which are attractive targets for theft and vandalism.

Crop protection

Crops are vulnerable to theft, vandalism, and damage, especially during critical stages like planting and harvesting.

Impact of security breaches on agricultural operations

Security breaches can have profound implications for agricultural operations:

Financial losses

Theft of equipment, crops, or livestock leads to immediate financial losses. Moreover, disruptions in operations can cause delays in planting, harvesting, and processing, further impacting revenue.

Increased costs

Higher insurance premiums and potential liability issues arise from security incidents, adding to operational costs.

Safety concerns

Breaches compromise the safety of farm personnel and livestock, posing risks that affect both physical well-being and operational efficiency.

Technological components of smart farm security systems

To address these challenges effectively, farms are increasingly adopting smart security systems:

Perimeter security solutions

Smart fencing

Installation of fences equipped with sensors to detect vibrations or breaches.

Gate automation

Automated gates are controlled via smartphones or computers to manage authorized access efficiently.

Barriers and alarms

Physical barriers are complemented by alarms triggered by sensor activity to deter intruders.

Surveillance systems

High-Definition cameras

Cameras with night vision and motion detection capabilities provide real-time monitoring of critical areas.


Aerial surveillance drones cover large areas swiftly, providing visual data for monitoring and response.

Satellite imagery

Integration of satellite technology enables continuous monitoring and early detection of suspicious activities across expansive farm landscapes.

Integration with smart devices

Smartphones and laptops

Utilising mobile devices for real-time monitoring and control enhances operational flexibility and responsiveness.

Data management and decision support

Accounting software

Integration of accounting software streamlines financial management, reduces errors, and facilitates informed decision-making.

Mobile Apps

Farm-specific mobile applications provide on-the-go access to critical operational data and security alerts, enhancing operational efficiency.

Effective farm management with technology is essential for mitigating risks associated with theft, vandalism, and operational disruptions. By leveraging smart technologies such as smart fencing, surveillance systems, and integrated mobile solutions, farms can enhance security measures, protect assets, and ensure the safety of personnel and livestock.

Investing in robust security systems not only safeguards financial interests but also supports sustainable farming practices by maintaining operational continuity and efficiency.

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