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My neighbour kept blocking my driveway even when I asked them to move – but they stopped after I got my own back

thescottishsun.co.uk 2024/10/6

A WOMAN had an ingenious way of getting her own back on a neighbour who kept blocking her driveway, if after she had asked them to move

The 30-year-old told how one of her neighbours had three motors and couldn’t fit them all on his driveway so he began parking two on the road.

The neighbour kept parking over the woman's driveway, even after she had asked him to move his car (file photo)
The neighbour kept parking over the woman's driveway, even after she had asked him to move his car (file photo)

She said initially this wasn’t a problem until he started parking over her driveway, in order to not block the road too much.

Writing on Reddit, the woman, who did not reveal her identity, said: "I live in a closed street of small houses.

“Each house has a parking spot, plus most people who own more than one car park in parallel in front of their house.

"[My husband and I] didn't own a car because we both worked from home and hate driving, plus public transport here is not so bad.

“We have a neighbour who owns three cars, so obviously he has no space to park them all at his house.

"He (we can call him entitled neighbour) asked our next door neighbour if he could park outside of her house (she also does not drive) and she said yes, but my entitled neighbour, in order to not block his other car, parks all the way in front of my driveway."

The woman admitted that she wouldn’t really have minded the neighbour parking over her driveway if only he had asked in the first place although she added she would still have needed him to move his car on the odd occasion.

She said: "My family comes to visit often and if they come by car, he usually is blocking and we have to ask him to move and every time he gets mad as if we were asking for a favour.

"I got a nice promotion that involved in person work three times a week, so we decided it was time to get a car.

“We bought a nice practical one and got it in our park space.

I run a car dealership from my own DRIVEWAY - my ‘idiot’ neighbours keep whinging but ‘loophole’ means it’s entirely legal

“Well, next morning the guy was blocking my exit.

"I rang his doorbell like crazy (it was 6am) and when he finally came out I asked him to move, and to not park there anymore."

She claims he became “defensive” when she brought the issue up, as if she was asking him to do her a “huge favour”.

She added: "He got defensive and said that my neighbour let him park in front of her house, to what I answered, 'Yes but this is my house, and if you block my entrance again I’m going to remove your car'.


“He moves and the next day he is blocking again.

"We realise he left the car open so we let the hand break loose and push the car to the middle of the street, in front of his driveway.

“I put a note on his windshield saying, 'Next time it’s a tow truck', put tape over his doorbell so it continues ringing and I left as quickly as I could . He hasn’t said anything but he hasn’t parked there anymore."

Commenting on her post, one user said: "These are the stories I live for, I dream to be as ballsy as you someday."

Another added: "Big high fives to you!"


What are your rights if somone is repeatedly blocking access with their vehicle?

  • You should always try and approach your neighbour in a calm manner first.
  • You can leave a note should you not be able to speak to them directly.
  • If a neighbour is parked on your driveway and this is part of your land, they are technically trespassing.
  • It is considered a criminal offence but there is no criminal law preventing someone from parking on your driveway.
  • Do not try and move the vehicle yourself because you will be responsible for any damages and have to pay for repairs
  • The courts have the jurisdiction to remove a car from the driveway for you if you choose to pursue a civil case for trespassing.

A third person wrote: "That is awesome! Way to handle the problem.

“He will think long and hard before blocking your driveway again!"

One more user posted: "That ding dong ditch is the icing on your petty revenge cake."

It's not the first time neighbours have fallen out over access to parking space.

Earlier this month, a woman revealed how her neighbour insisted on parking on the road, right outside the opening to her driveway.

This stopped her from getting out of her own drive.

Elsewhere, a homeowner hit out at their "entitled" neighbour for swiping her paid parking spot without asking.

The woman, who doesn't own a car but pays for the parking space as part of her housing rent, feels her rights are being blatantly disregarded.

Another fuming neighbour had to get creative as he shared his £2.49 hack to keep a man from parking on his property - though he may have taken it too far.

Elsewhere, a homeowner revealed the genius way she got revenge on a "neighbour from hell" who harassed her family over a silly parking row.

The bitter feud came to a head after the man next door called the cops on them for parking "backwards".

Reddit users praised the woman's way of getting her own back on the neighbour (stock image)
Reddit users praised the woman's way of getting her own back on the neighbour (stock image)
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