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Kenyans And Hanifa Adan’s Resonant Challenge In Africa

Independent 2024/10/5

“Kenyans in unison decided to jettison their forefathers concorted twist in holding on to tribal and religious divisive histories, and together, decided to embark on a peaceful protest for their freedom, and despite all propaganda, Kenyan youths demonstrated that power resides with the citizens and not with few vampires in leadership.”- DSM

Kenyans peaceful but turned bloody protest was a terrible incident, and as usual, and unfortunately too, most African leaders have remained mute to the killings that happened in Kenya as the aftermath of the protest. This was an avoidable sad reality if African leaders will understand that democracy is not about those who imposed themselves on leadership positions, but for the people. There’s no democracy without the citizens, and so, I am amused that since the sad incident in Kenya, African leaders have become more inclined to protect their colleague, President Ruto, rather than condemning the overzealousness of Ruto, who instead of listening to the people’s voice decided to claim that the protesters were all criminals.

The African leaders are more inclined to an enclosed impunity profligacy and power drunkenness in holding to power rather than protecting the same citizens whose mandate they’re saddled with the authority to lead. The African Union has not even issued a statement to condemn the slaughtering of Kenyans, and the simple reason is that, the African leaders are operating as a secret cult. They protect each other even when Africans are dying of their unpatriotic and wicked policies. The African Union has become more of the gathering of vampires who delight in sucking the blood of Africans. How else can one describe the existence of ECOWAS and AFRICAN UNION, when elections are rigged in favour of their fellow over recycled leaders, they will keep mute as zombies. But let the youths challenge any of their moronic leadership colleague, you will see these confused pretenders, drumming up wars against the youths.

Youths were killed during the ENDSARS protest, did you hear any African leader condemn such atrocities? You won’t hear them, but a simple protest for a good governance system, Africans will be mauled down as chickens. There won’t be any emissaries, but let there be any coup d’etat against any of them, you will be treated with venoms of threats and wars.

“The worst apartheid regime is not what was experienced in South Africa in the past, but the present invention of coven infested democracy in Africa, and it’s being perpetuated by African leaders of the present.”- DSM

Back To The Basics

I must commend the resilience of Kenyan youths, and most especially, Hanifa Adan for her boldness in telling the story of the Kenyan protest in a language of raw truth.
Listening to her address to the Kenyan parliament after the protest, I was convinced that African youths are not dummies. She was bold to tell the authorities the plain truth about their insensitivity to the plight of the citizens. For once, I realised that African youths can take back their countries the moment they reject the satanic divisive histories or antics of tribal, religious and political jingoistic sentiments cleverly designed by the politicians in order to give a sense of hatred amongst themselves.

Hanifa Adan, a virtually impaired young lady was able to stand out and defend the sacredness of life. She wasn’t friendly when she lashed out at the insensitivity of parliamentarians. She described them as a confused bunch of people, who have forgotten that the reason why they were elected was to protect, defend and speak the minds of the people. They’re taking holidays when many Kenyans youths are in the morgue. They couldn’t even activate their empathetic souls to mourn those youths whose blood had been drenched in Kenyan soil. An honour for those who were killed during the protest against the finance bill. Sometimes I am wondering if truly most African leaders have any semblance of human souls, otherwise, how can one talk about holidays when his or her citizens are killed by the overzealousness of the security agencies?

As usual, President Ruto didn’t disappoint me as an African leader, who wants to put up a speech as an emperor of Kenyans, and instead of dousing tensions, he was talking tough. For President Ruto, all the youths, who were protesting against his anti people’s policies were all criminals, and as such, the killings should be justified.

What a continent!!!

Even criminals should be availed with a humanistic justice system rather than the barbarian justice tact. In law, everyone, including criminal suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty by a competent court. But what President Ruto, and most African leaders do demonstrate in this kind of scenario, is always a tough stance, whereby, those tagged as criminals are killed as already condemned convicts, and this time, by politicians and not by any law court verdicts. Security Agencies that ought to defend the citizens are now used by few politicians to intimidate and slaughter the citizens. Their allegiance has been shifted from the citizens to the politicians, and yet, we talk about justice and peace in Africa.

Many African leaders have the same leadership attributes of behaviour, and hence, at the right of citizens to protest against government insensitive and wicked policies, weapons of mass destruction are turned against the citizens. It has happened in Nigeria, and till date, all the panels instituted by Lagos State government to unravel the miserable ENDSARS saga had ended up in the archives. Of course, the Nigeria ENDSARS debacle became a vituperation of tribal insinuations that metaphored into the abysmal 2023 elections tribal profiling. A situation where even a minister became a James Bond, and with his eagle’s eyes, was able to locate a hidden camera that was inactive on the day of state attack (20.10.20). One of the greatest functions of a state is to protect the lives and properties of the citizens, but instead, the same state resorted to waging war against its own youths.

Looking at the dossier of Hanifa Adan, I am constrained to initiate the optimisation of what has happened to our Nigerian vibrant activists in the present advocacy for good governance.

Yes, Hanifa Adan is a visually impaired Kenyan activist who has gained recognition for her advocacy work on human rights and social justice, and my question is, Have we all lost our voices and sights in Nigeria even in the midst of the miseries that we are currently facing?

Despite her visual impairment, she has been a vocal and passionate leader in the fight for democracy and equality in Kenya. Her powerful speech in parliament was widely praised and brought attention to the deplorable leadership gap between the citizens and oppressors in Africa. Her determination and resilience are an inspiration to many, and it brought to memories, the great exploits of the historical African heroic women, who discarded the docility of men, and were recorded as great warriors. Such women include:

  1. Queen Amina of Zazzau (16th century): Nigerian warrior queen who expanded her empire and built defensive walls.
  2. Queen Njinga Mbande (17th century): Angolan queen who resisted Portuguese colonisation and led her army in battle.
  3. Yaa Asantewaa (19th century): Ghanaian queen mother who led the Ashanti-British War against British colonisation
  4. Queen Nanny of the Maroons (18th century): Jamaican Maroon leader who fought against British slavery and colonisation
  5. Mbuya Nehanda (19th century): Zimbabwean queen who led the Shona people against British colonisation
  6. Queen Ranavalona I (18th century): Madagascan queen who resisted French colonisation and expanded her empire.
  7. Kaipkire (19th century): Namibian queen who led her people against German colonisation
  8. Mantatisi (18th century): South African queen who led her people against European colonisation

Others include:
Audley Moore and Dara Abubakari (U.S.): Developed gender-conscious Pan-Africanism, focusing on the experience of gender equality.

  • Winnie Mandela (South Africa), who advocated for policy changes to address the poverty and end of apartheid.
  • Alice Victoria Alexander Kinloch (South Africa): Co-founder of the African Association, which led the Pan-African Conference in 1900.
  • Jeanne Martin Cissé (Guinea): Championed women’s rights, influencing Guinea’s constitutional protection of women’s rights.

The above African Amazons, that included the Aba women protesters, demonstrated remarkable courage, leadership, and strategic thinking, leaving a lasting impact on African history. A situation where men failed to understand their headship positions, those African Amazons stepped in to deflect the pride of our manhood.

Today in Africa, Hanifa Adan has shown such courage of the heroic exploits of great activists, who will in the future be counted amongst the African women warriors. And if I may ask, and aside from Aisha Yesufu, can we identify other women in Nigeria who are prominently standing in the representation of the vulnerable citizens? Few Pan Africanist women are still remembered in Africa, and this is because, they fought for the emancipation of not only African women, but the restoration of human dignity and equality.

Where are the Nigerian women of the present that could ignite the famous nationalistic protest as the Aba women riot that gave Nigeria a historical human dignity? Here are some great African women of the present, who have shown great global impact in areas where men had remained morons. A few can be mentioned here and they are, Damilola Odufuwa, Odunayo Eweniyi, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Emtithal Mahmoud, Meaza Ashenafi, Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo-Wondieh and Chimamanda Adichie. Although, there are others, but my emphasis here is, why are most of our young women becoming dumb like their fellow young men? The question is open for the youths to answer.

Hanifa Adan’s speech should be immortalised, and let her speech be played for our youths at every point in time. Her speech should equally be engraved at the lintel of our NASS and Executive chambers, where our National Assembly Members and the members of the Federal Executive Council should hear the voice of a great woman in Africa. A speech that came out from a virtually impaired young lady in the Kenyan parliament was an encapsulation of the heartbeat of all African youths and it’s a priceless speech.

What the youths of Kenya did was an activation of the African spirit of bravery. The warriors in Africa were showcased, a trajectory that started just as the Arab Spring. As of today, Kenyans are setting the pace of PAN AFRICANISM, and hopefully, other African citizens should not only understand that the power of democracy is a right and not a privilege for the citizens. Citizens have the absolutism right to demand accountability from their leaders in governance corridors.

Kenya conducted their elections just as the recently concluded South Africa, on real time electronic transmissions and election results were easy to be validated by the court of law without snatching, grabbing, rigging and running away with the citizens mandate. The Kenya court demonstrated the highest morality value evaluation in the interpretation of the constitution, and the verdict was clearly seen as the mandate of the citizens. That’s why an election victory as declared by the electoral body was invalidated, and the true winner was declared. Kenya has shown other Africans that democracy can only work when institutions are not compromised by security agencies, judiciary and corrupt politicians. The most critical factor is that citizens are not taken for granted when validation of their rights and privileges are trampled underfoot.

Senegalese have equally surprised most African countries when they voted for a young Pan Africanist. And that young man is aligning to the new call for the African youths to take over their countries from the corrupt infested and ill health leaders.

African women should champion the idealistic pursuit for Africans emancipation from the home grown apartheid leadership enthronement, and this is because, the only thing that is still active in most African men as per gender description, is what’s in between their legs. Nothing else, and this is because, most African men have lost even the balls that control their manhood, and as such, they’re incapacitated to stand out in defence of their pride gender description.

The Kenyan youths have demonstrated that in the quest for liberation, nobody should mention tribe, religion or political affiliation. It’s a survival architecture that any emotional sentiment or blackmail must be treated as abnormal or saboteur. This is because, the present hardship policies in Africa don’t recognise tribal bigotry or religious rituals, it’s all encompassing. Poverty, insecurity and hunger are not aware of any tribe, religion or party membership accolade.

Politics in Africa has become a calamity of emotional blackmail, where wars are waged against the citizens because of politics, tribe and religion. Sadly, with the leaders using citizens against themselves.

Let me conclude because of the readers who are averse to long essays (smiles). My message today is a wake up call for all African Amazons, vibrant activists and youths, because they’ve been sitting on the fence for too long. The tragedy of over sitting down on the fence is that, when the fence collapses, nobody is assured of the number of victims or casualties that will be entrapped.

We must be blunt to ourselves, and it’s all about understanding that, when the head is rotten, we should know that the stench from the body will be an agent of an infectious virus.

“Leadership is core, and when leadership choice is not about honest service delivery, but an ethnic nationality or religious supremacy claim, those who hoisted such leaders should not complain of the uncomfortable stenches from the rotten head.” – DSM.

Kenyan youths have shown that a leadership that’s self personified will always be sleazy, enmeshed in corruption, nepotistic governance impunity and recklessness. Kenyan youths have shown that the battle for freedom is not only about social media hype or selfish complaints syndrome of suffering and smiling.

Where round table dialogue fails, FREEDOM will be fought and won in the streets through varying sorts of organised peaceful demonstrations and protests by patriotic citizens who understand the true meaning of SOCIAL LIBERTY. Freedom is not necessarily a compendium of complaints, it’s an action word that must be treated as a strategic planning process or project, and definitely, with certain ugly consequences for the activists who are involved.

“Freedom is not a cheap commodity, but a sacrifice that’s targeted against bad leadership through a discerning insight that focuses on a societal future generation.”- DSM.

Life is a transit, but people are yet to reconcile about what they’re living and dying for. We are all still afraid to die for our freedom by fighting for the truth and our future generations, despite our religious belief that states that, ‘Heaven is Golden’. Whether you’re frightened at the mention of death, the truth is that, ‘what exactly are you dying or living for?’ We will all die one day. We must be deliberate to deny dirty people access to the leadership enthronement in Africa, and that’s the only way that Africa as a continent will be free from the quagmire of a confused society.

May I use this opportunity to commiserate with the Kenyans (my Inlaws), on the loss of their patriotic youths, whose bloodshed was for the emancipation of ALL CITIZENS. Truly, the victims of the state’s mauling mechanism were the heroes of Africa. What they fought and died for are resonating in the whole of Africa, and one day, their sacrifices will be remembered as the inferno that ignited the liberation of ALL AFRICANS from the hood of wickedness and corrupt infested personalities in Africa leadership enclave. May their souls rest in peace, Amen…and on this note, don’t forget that, I come in PEACE.

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