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'Vital' Glasgow charity struggling to keep doors open amid surge in costs and demand

glasgowlive.co.uk 2024/7/15

Starter Packs supplies household items to those in 'critical situations' - from homelessness to fleeing domestic abuse - who would otherwise have nothing.

Demand for the packs is growing 'exponentially' as people feel the pressure of the cost of living crisis and often end up on the street.
Demand for the packs is growing 'exponentially' as people feel the pressure of the cost of living crisis and often end up on the street.

A 'unique' Glasgow charity is asking the public to help keep their doors open as it struggles amid Brexit and the cost of living crisis.

Starter Packs, based in Govan, supplies packs of household items to those in 'critical situations' who face living in empty houses. The charity, which has helped tens of thousands of people since it was founded 23 years ago, helps those fleeing from domestic abuse or re-building their lives after homelessness to get back on their feet.

The packs include around 60 items such as toasters, kettles, plates and anything needed to give those struggling their 'dignity back'.

The charity say that those who receive help are 70% more likely to stay in accommodation.

Board member Michelle said: "The work we do is vital in our community. We help people who are in very difficult situations like being homeless, fleeing domestic abuse or leaving the forces with many waiting a long time for a house.

"Housing associations assess the need of those who are being placed in homes and contact us to help with getting a pack together for them. These are people often in critical situations so they need help getting on their feet in their new home.

An example of items included in a pack.
An example of items included in a pack.

"To do this we create packs for them which include around 60 household items. We do this to help give dignity back to people.

"These items include brand new kettles, toasters, plates, furniture, toiletries, bedding and similar items. We design the packs as if we were standing there with only the clothes on our backs, what would we need?

"We try where possible to use donations made to our charity shops like plates and cups, but there are items that we have to buy. We also give them vouchers to spend in our shops in case there is anything that they need which is not in the packs such as kids toys."

Michelle says that the cost of living crisis, rising prices, Brexit and supply chain issues are all having an impact on the charity with it becoming increasingly expensive to source goods.

Pack items have increased in cost.
Pack items have increased in cost.

She continued: "The stock that we would normally buy is much more expensive and we can't raise our prices for the packs, which the housing associations pay a part of the cost, because they don't have the budgets. We try and fund what we do with our charity shops Magpie's Eye and Magpie's Nest in Govan.

"We have fantastic loyal customers and people who donate some great stuff. But the packs are expensive and we are scrambling to make sure we have enough money to create them."

Michelle says that demand for the packs is growing 'exponentially' as people feel the pressure of the cost of living crisis and often end up on the street.

The charity say that those who receive help are 70% more likely to stay in accommodation.
The charity say that those who receive help are 70% more likely to stay in accommodation.

She added: "Sometimes the packs are required on that day. We get asked nearly on a daily basis for them, in June alone we were averaging around 20-30 packs a week which cost between £80 to £100 each.

"That number will increase as we go into the winter months."

She added: "We are unique, there aren't many charities that do similar work to us in Scotland. We now help over 30 local housing associations but we also get requests from as far away as Edinburgh.

"Starter Packs have been lucky up to this point that we have been self-funded, but we are now having to look at other ways to allow us to continue our important work. We've applied for grants but we are facing an increase in costs of around £5000 per month.

Michelle, who says the charity is stretched thin, has now turned to the public for help to support the vital work they do for families within the city. They have launched a GoFundMe in the hopes of making up the shortfall and be able to keep their doors open.

She said: "Without essential funding now, these amazing retail resources, your excellent donations and the packs may not exist. Every single penny can help."

Anyone wishing to donate can do so here.

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