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Sani talks tough, threatens to take Wike on

chronicle.ng 2 days ago
Sani warns Tinubu against French military bases in Nigeria
Senator Shehu Sani has said Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna will betray President Buhari like he betrayed previous presidents, Olusegun Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan

Sen. Shehu Sani has promised to reply to FCT minister Nyesom Wike at an event for demeaning the efforts of the Senate and his (Sani’s) contribution in the struggle against military rule in Nigeria.

Speaking in an interview on Channel 4’s TV on Sunday, Sani mentioned that his contribution to the fight to liberate Nigeria from military dictatorship cannot be undermined.

Wike had mentioned in an event that Sani and other senators presence at the senate had little to no significance in the development of Nigeria.

Responding to Wike’s statement, the former Kaduna northcentral senator said Wike is infamous for strategically demanding to speak last at an event so no one can respond to him.

Sani said, “Wike is my good friend; I would have preferred to reply to him at an event rather than on TV, and I think I have attended two events where he strategically placed himself to speak last so no one could reply to him, and I believe when an opportunity comes next, I am going to take him on.”

He added that “nobody can demean the struggle that we did to free Nigeria from military dictatorship.

“Mike Ozehkome was a patriot. If not for the struggle we did to disestablish military dictatorship and restore democracy in Nigeria, people like Wike couldn’t have been LG chairman, governor, or minister today.”

He further mentioned that Wike “is a beneficiary of our struggle, the sweat, and all that we have invested in it.”

Sani also questioned Wike’s whereabouts in the country when he was jailed in Port Harcourt as a political prisoner.

Sani also mentioned that though Wike’s statement wasn’t specifically pointed at him, he promised to take him on” and reply to him further in an event.

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