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‘Take back Canada’ marches against mass immigration

europereloaded.com 3 days ago


We can be anti-mass migration without engaging in Muslim-bashing. Tell that to the Zionists, who wind us up constantly about this topic.

We have tent cities and increasing homelessness coast to coast.

Image from the ccf

My understanding is that immigrants themselves are struggling. Many existing immigrants indicate wages are kept too low because of the constant influx of new immigration. They complain they are doing urgent work trying to settle people and never get a break.

Some immigrants who came the legal way are leaving for other pastures. Rents and housing ownership is beyond the pale.

Image from the globe and mail

Schools are struggling to integrate non-English speakers and the class sizes continue to go up.

Health care appointments are backed up. Euthanasia is increasingly offered as a method to move people through the system, to the great beyond. One hospital doctor told my friend “It’s a God send.”

Even Joe Biden’s utter ineptitude can be plotted for demoralization.

Image from the Vancouver Sun

“They’d never cope without it.”

Canadians don’t usually push back. Historically we are quite welcoming. but have some reached a breaking point.

Shouldn’t immigration match housing or do the communist neo-fascists in power want to put new immigrants in our houses.

Is that how they “solve” the housing crisis?

Should immigration slow down, so we can recoup. Doctors nurses, health care staff are getting worn out (how’s those boosters helping?). Are we going to witness system collapse?

Meanwhile the Crime Minister seems obsessed with creating a cult around gender expression.

He would be on the Titanic, mad that there’s no tampons in the men’s washroom while everyone else is headed for the limited lifeboats. Gender expression might take a back seat if you’re homeless, without prospects, hungry, unable to get medical treatment and offered euthanasia. It’s bleak to wave love, when tyranny marches.

Should immigration match health care systems, or is the new euthanasia expansion the only possible globalists’ solution.


Canadians of all races showed up to say they want their leaders putting Canadian first. Canadians ARE ALL RACES AND RELIGIONS.

It’s interesting that we are at this stage that this type of expression is boiling up. The only thing that troubles me is the US vs them. It would be interesting to get more of the disgruntled immigrant voice.


I know why globalists use massive immigration and open borders to erase culture. It makes dissolving the nation state easier. We witness this Moving people around the world until there’s only franchises and nothing that hardens back to culture.

My view is that immigrants have to understand the globalists’ goals and get some skin in the game, too.

If they are to be my neighbors, I want them thinking like a proud Canadian.

The elephant in the room is that who is coming in with the open door policies and how come we aren’t vetting them? Our traditional policies are tossed out the door. Does that make sense from a safety perspective?

None of these occurrences are in isolation. We are experiencing this immigration-housing crisis, with inflation, with record food bank use, with divisive DEI (ER: diversity, equity, inclusion) policies, with new sex sex more sex and gender sex gender gender sex sex curriculum, with clot shots still rolling and killing, with WW3 war drums, with decriminalized drug infestation, with the worst ever attacks on speech, with child trafficking, with a media that spouts narrative, with…. Gag so much it’s emotional, physical blitzkrieg.

I’m curious…. Take back Canada….it’s from the globalists. We need a global awakening.

I kind of see us all the same now. Not outwardly. Yes there are differences. But how little that matters. Consider, to the globalists we are all just a number. A number to get down to.

Here is Club of Rome Dennis Meadows telling the world as much.

The inclusion is a net they hope none can escape. We are at 8 billion and 1 billion has been stated here as the population goal. So that’s quite the slaughtering.

This means all races are in their sights. So tell me again how we are different? Tell me DEI crap, or antiracism crap. The same murderous bastards at the top who don’t per se distinguish us came up with this religious view to facilitate their program. Sorry, I won’t genuflect to that.

Tell me the globalist bookcamp 101?

7 billion. That’s all races, creeds…

So the murderous bastards who came up with Limits to Growth use DEI. Enough. Should be enough. It’s not a moral program. It’s a control program.

I just discovered this song. Kind of embodies my sentiments.

Those are the circumstances. Clearly they will want division to work for them. I don’t like traps of their making.

My view is that our common sort should make it possible we unite against the globalists. That is why DEI is required to divide us.

See it for what it is. The menace to distract while they advance in stealth.

Walk over it, step over it, leap over it. The strings and traps, see them.

My eyes are for contemplating the beauty of this world. As are yours. My mind for solving the riddles of this world. As is yours.

My mouth to taste. As is yours. My ears, for the song of babes and birds… my heart for love.

Tell me you are truly different.

Hopes and fears are no different.

Between us.

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