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Drama: I SLEPT With My Mother-In-Law By Mistake

abilitydigitalz.com.ng 2 days ago
In a candid interview with a well-known TV presenter, a young man recounted the harrowing story of how he ended up sleeping with his mother-in-law—a mistake he regrets every day. The young man, who remained anonymous for security reasons, explained that it all started one evening when he had too much to drink. Alcohol was a habit for him, and on this particular night, he went overboard. His mother-in-law, concerned for his safety, decided to escort him home as it was late and he was heavily intoxicated.

Unable to make it home, they ended up finding a room to stay for the night. The young man woke up the next morning to the shocking realization that he had slept with his mother-in-law, as they were both unclothed. Filled with regret and guilt, he expressed his fears about the incident, though he noted that his mother-in-law seemed unperturbed. The young man confessed that he constantly struggles with the guilt of that night, a mistake that haunts him every day.

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