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How To Find The Perfect Company To Acquire

Forbes 2024/10/4

Adam Coffey, founding partner of CEO Advisory Guru, LLC. Best-selling author of The Private Equity Playbook.

A man and a woman on a stylish white sofa in a contemporary office building have a casual business meeting

Every entrepreneur I’ve met dreams about building a life of freedom. And it’s no wonder; the thought of having the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, is enticing. The details of every entrepreneur’s vision—how they’ll achieve their freedom, in other words—differ, of course. Some people want to be serial entrepreneurs. Others want to stay in one business for the length of their career. Some are interested in service-based businesses, while others have grand visions of launching the next must-have product. But despite their differences, all of these visions hold tight to the overarching goal of freedom.

There’s just one problem: For many entrepreneurs, the dream never becomes reality. Many businesses fail in the first year, and many more don’t make it past the five-year mark. And even if a business does survive, the odds that it will ever make a million dollars in revenue are vanishingly small.

However, I have found that there are ways for entrepreneurs to stack the odds of success in their favor. In my experience, one key way is to buy a business rather than starting one from scratch. Having acquired 58 companies and achieved billions in exits over my 21-year career as a CEO, I’ve seen (and experienced) this reality firsthand, over and over again.

While I’m certainly not suggesting that those who start a business are doomed to fail, I know that buying the right existing business can remove a lot of risk. When you buy a business that’s been operating successfully for some time, you know it can perform in different economic cycles, you know it can attract customers, and you know it can be profitable.

So, how do you find the right business? Great question. Let’s dive into some of the nuances here.

Set yourself up for success.

There are some basic things you should do before you ever start looking to acquire a business. First, take a piece of paper and write down what you’re good at. Next to that, list out what you love doing. Finally, write down the industries that utilize those skills and fit your passions.

Once you’ve done that, take a look at the list of industries you came up with. Put a checkmark next to the ones that serve needs, not wants. Then, put another checkmark next to the businesses that primarily operate with recurrent contracted revenue rather than project-based revenue. Finally, put a checkmark next to those with low capital expenditures. Take a look at the industries with three checks next to them—those are ones that will probably do well in a volatile economy, so they’re the ones you should focus on.

Once you’ve completed this step, you’re on your way to identifying an industry that is likely to give you the freedom you want. But there are thousands of businesses in any given industry—so you still have work to do.

At this point, it’s time to prove to yourself that the industry you think you want to buy a business in is the right choice. If this feels daunting, I suggest starting with some basic tools to begin your research. DealStats, Hoover and/or Grata, for example, can help you both verify that you’ve chosen the right industry and put together a starting list of companies you might be able to acquire in that industry. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to build a profile of your perfect company so you can whittle your starting list down to companies worth looking into more deeply.

Define your perfect company.

Building a profile of what your perfect company looks like will take some honest self-reflection. I find it's best to start by asking yourself whether you want to run the business as its CEO or take a more passive role. Let’s say, for the purposes of this example, that you want to be passive: Your perfect company will likely have a CEO who is between 30 and 50, because they will be able to run the company for many years to come. If you want to run the company yourself, look for one with an older CEO who is looking to exit.

Next, think about whether you’re looking to buy one business and run it until you retire or buy multiple businesses, put them together, then sell them for a large multiple. Those aren’t the only things to consider; you should also think about what geographic area you’re interested in, what revenue size you’re looking for, and what kind of customer (i.e., residential or commercial) you want to do business with.

Once you’ve thought through these things and created a profile of your company, go back to the broader list you put together with Hoover or Grata. You may have had several thousand companies on the initial list; after building your ideal company profile, you should be able to whittle it down to about 100. At that point, you can begin doing outreach to make contact with those potential companies—and hopefully find the perfect one that will help you achieve your ultimate dream of freedom.

Reduce your risk.

When you approach it right, buying an existing business can be one of the smartest decisions you make as an entrepreneur. It means you’re buying something that’s already beaten the odds—something that has revenue. Customers. Earnings.

Of course, there’s no guarantee that past performance will yield future performance results, but all the same, when you take this approach, you’ll have an indication of how the business has performed over time and through different economic cycles. Couple that with the fact that you’ve done appropriate research to ensure the business fits your interests and skills—and fits your ideal profile—and you’ve gone a long way to stack the odds of success in your favor. And really, in the pursuit of freedom, what could be better than that?

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