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While you sleep, prevent your soul from wandering to unwanted places.

preventsatan.com 2024/10/5
Alt=While you sleep, prevent your soul from wandering to unwanted places.
While you sleep, prevent your soul from wandering to unwanted places.

Dear reader, this article shows you that while you sleep, you can prevent your soul from wandering to unwanted places.

Your soul leaves your body while you sleep.

First, we need to know that our souls do indeed leave our bodies while we sleep. As you sleep, your soul travels short or long distances mixing with the spirits of other people or creatures.

Evil people can actually manipulate your soul.

If your soul is weak, other people with evil intentions can actually summon and manipulate your soul during your sleep. This is the reason why you must always keep your soul strong.

Jesus Christ makes your soul strong.

As a matter of fact, the only persons who can make your soul strong are our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Your soul will become invicible if you entrust your soul under the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A soul protected by Jesus senses danger.

If you entrust your life to Jesus Christ and your soul wanders around in your sleep, it will have the ability to sense danger. When your soul senses danger, it travels quickly and returns to your body. That’s when you suddenly wake up from your sleep.

A strong soul reveals to you what your enemy is doing.

Additionally, if you entrust your soul to Jesus Christ, while you sleep, it will travel throughout your land and beyond to monitor the activities of your enemies. If your soul senses danger, it will immediately return to your body to inform you. Get out of bed and pray as soon as you receive such warning reports.

Set your mind on heavenly things.

Furthermore, you have to set your mind on heavenly things if you want your soul to move to heavenly places as you sleep.

Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says:

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Your soul can travel to heaven.

If you set your mind on heavenly things, your soul will start to travel to heaven during your sleep. Read: The three people I saw in heaven.

Pray before going to bed.

Also, if you want your soul to be strong you must commit yourself to prayer, especially before going to bed. During this prayer you commit your life and dreams to our Heavenly Father.

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