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Let God’s Words Be The Foundation

naijapage.com 2024/10/6

Let God’s words be the foundation.

Let God's Words Be the Foundation

Let God’s Words Be the Foundation: Everything we do should reflect God’s goodness because we are his children.

Many young adults think it is not cool to be called a Christian. To be a follower of Christ is a privilege, and let us appreciate it.

Jesus Christ came to die for us because he loves us so much. He knew that it was not going to be easy, but he still did it.

When we were still sinners, he loved us and was willing to die for us. It is important to understand that our greatest treasure in life is being the children of God.

In our personal and professional lives, let our behavior speak positively about our heavenly father. The world is watching us, and they are monitoring our moves as Christians.

We should not be afraid of being watched because we can influence them. Other people will want to come closer to God when they see how peaceful our lives are.

Our lives are not perfect, but we have the peace that passes all understanding. God is always in control; that’s our consolation in this world.

Jesus Christ told us that he would never leave us or forsake us, no matter what the situation was. The thought the Lord has for us is good and not evil, so that we can have a beautiful end.

Speak Life to Yourself

Let God's Words Be the Foundation pt2

Every time we wake up, let us say great things to ourselves. We don’t need to feel great before we can speak life to ourselves.

The power of life and death lies in the tongue, so let us speak life. Maybe you don’t have any reason to speak positively because of your past or present.

It’s time for us to step into our positions as children of God and command the earth in our favor. Everything that we speak into our lives either opens the door for God or the demons.

If your business is falling apart, let us think about solutions and speak out in faith. Our faith in God can transform our situations because it means that we trust him.

He told the people of Israel that “whatever I hear you say, I shall do to you.” . Let us speak in faith and not in fear, for the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear.

It doesn’t matter what your past looks like; it’s time to get excited about the future. Your present condition is not permanent because there is nothing impossible for God to do.

The right mindset can lead to the right path.

Let God's Words Be the Foundation pt3

Before we can speak life into our lives automatically, our mind has to be renewed. The Holy Bible told us about the importance of renewing our minds in the word of God.

No one is perfect completely, but renewing our minds can improve us. Praying to God and reading his words can transform the life of anyone.

When Jesus Christ was leaving the earth, he knew that we needed help, so he gave us the Holy Spirit. For us to be transformed into representatives of Christ, it is our duty to listen.

God values obedience more than sacrifice because obeying him shows respect. Read Christian motivation books and the Bible. Christian podcast, attend fellowships and conferences.

When we take it seriously and renew our minds, that opens doors for us. Life can be challenging, but the knowledge of God can lead us to the right path.

The devil is working hard to mislead us so that we can suffer. The Lord is our savior, and he’ll never leave us because we are special to him.

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