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Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Boredpanda 3 days ago

Running into an ex can bring up a lot of emotions, depending on how you ended the relationship. If it was a mutual break-up, you might feel like you just saw an old friend. In case things got nasty towards the end, bumping into them could be quite uncomfortable. However, sometimes your reactions to your ex could impact your current relationship.

A pregnant woman turned to the internet for advice after being confused by her husband’s emotional response to his ex. Upon confronting her spouse, the author learned that he had messaged his ex after they had crossed paths. Keep reading to find out how this unexpected encounter impacted the man’s current relationship.

Running into your ex can become tricky, especially if you still have unresolved feelings for them

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

A pregnant woman shared her concerns online after her husband broke down upon seeing his ex with her new family

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Image source: anonymous

Someone shared their opinion about the entire situation, which resonated with the author

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

The author showed her husband the comment, but she wasn’t pleased with his reaction

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Many people sympathized with the author and labeled the husband’s behavior as a red flag

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

A few others believed it was acceptable for the man to express his emotions

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

Pregnant Wife Leaves Her Husband Of 6 Months After Realizing Why He Was So Upset That He Cried In The Bathroom

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