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“Like a Crime Scene” — Woman Finds “Blood” Underneath Floorboards of Her New Home, Calls Cops

distractify.com 2024/10/5

A woman who just purchased a new home was shocked to discover that there was what appeared to be several blood-soaked footprints beneath the flooring of the building's laundry room. She posted about her shocking find in a series of videos on TikTok, even involving the police to come and investigate her hom.

Audrey's (@chickennugget8806) first video about the incident features her shock in first discovering the stain, where she delineates what occurred that caused her to happen upon the red markings in the first place.

"We just bought a home and I think someone may've been shmurdered in it. Because tonight, we had a leak in our laundry room," she states in the camera, offering up why she thinks someone was killed in her new home purchase.

"Well our laundry room was one of the only places upstairs that had flooring and because of the leak we just had to rip out of the flooring and let me show you what we found."

The video then cuts to her holding her hand directly in front of her: there's a dirty patch/spot beneath her: "First off you're gonna ignore the mess because obviously, we're trying to get water up."

She went on: "But what is this?" referencing sanguine stains on what appears to be linoleum tile board. "There is literal footprints on this stuff. I am freaking out right now, I am waiting on a plumber and that's gonna cost me a little over a grand just for him to get here but, somebody tell me that I'm over-reacting?'

Woman Finds Blood in New House
Source: TikTok | @chickennuggetlife8806 "Usually these videos I’m like nah that’s clearly just water stains, etc., but THIS ONE looks like a crime scene," someone else commented.

Audrey shared her wishful thinking, hoping commenters will tell her that it's "paint," before continuing that she's "pretty sure it's not paint, because I'm gonna show you something where like the sticky tiles peeled up, what's underneath it."

"It's underneath the sticky tile, too," she then says, pointing to the floor in another portion of the video.

Audrey explains why the physical attributes and behavior of the red stains she spotted lends her to believe it's blood and not paint.

"And if you've ever dealt with stuff like that, or know people that work in the field of cleaning up stuff like that, paint doesn't soak through tiles like that. So send help."

In a follow-up video, it appears that Audrey has enlisted the assistance of law enforcement to come and assess the stains in her home to ascertain what they are.

She provides proof of the cop's visit — photograph of a man in uniform kneeling down and shining a flashlight on it. "So the officer told me that there has been no calls to this address before for anything suspicious that would result in this amount of blood and he also told me that the peroxide I had was 3 percent and not 6 percent and apparently that makes a difference."

Audrey went on to divulge more information into the nature of the officer's inspection of her creepy looking stains: "After he looked at it he asked questions too. So, y'all this is my real life, this is a house I just bought, none of this was for clout, they are apparently calling some people in to come do some more tests," she says into the camera, intoning that there very well could be a true-crime murder mystery associated with the home she just bought.

"I guess I don't know, everybody who's telling me to move out in this economy, I just dumped all my money into this house, so, if it's a shmurder house if they don't tell me I have to move out, my a-- is gonna be here, so, there's that."

She went on to explain that she decided to upload the picture of the officer in order to clap back at folks who kept trying to say that she was creating the story for "clout" purposes.

Further driving that point home, she uploaded an additional TikTok video showing the officer in action at the potential crime scene. She wrote in a text overlay of the video: "Girlhood is finding a possible *smurder* scene in your house & not freaking out because you watch *smurder* documentaries while falling asleep."

It looks like Audrey is taking the entire "my home I just purchased may've been the location of a grisly murder" discovery in stride, as she uploaded another clip on the popular social media platform where she jokingly records herself turning her "shmurder house" into a "shmurder home."

How would have you reacted to discovering that there may very well be human bloodstains underneath the flooring in a new property you just bought? Would you try to get authorities involved? Channel possible paranormal entities in an effort to ascertain who the possible murderer was? Or would you do what Audrey did and leverage it into getting a TikTok following?

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