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Devon paedophile caged for sick internet abuse images

devonlive.com 2024/10/5

He has been jailed for 16 months

Bradley Lulham
Bradley Lulham

A predatory and manipulative sex offender has been jailed after downloading child abuse images from the internet. Bradley Lulham, a convicted rapist, has 'little or no insight' into the damage caused by people who view indecent images, a court heard.

He was caught with a small number of sick images after police checked his mobile phone and cloud storage account. The defendant, aged 30, of Warren Road, Dawlish Warren, has been jailed for 16 months at Exeter Crown Court.

Judge James Adkin told him: "It does seem to me the principle factor is the risk you present to the public. The pre-sentence report expresses a high risk to the public.

"Your sexual interest cannot be controlled in the community. It is predatory and manipulative. You told the report author you don't get any gratification from the material but your sexual proclivities are well known. You have little or no insight into the damage. There is a significant amount of risk of further indecent images offences."

Lulham admitted two breaches of his sexual register notification requirements imposed for a previous offence. These involved him not informing police about living at addresses in Dawlish and with his girlfriend in Brixham.

In February 2023 police attended the Brixham address after concerns about suspicious internet activity. He was arrested and his mobile seized. Analysis showed it contained indecent images in all categories. More were found on the cloud.

He told police he had no idea how they got there but later pleaded guilty to three offences of possessing indecent images. Lulham has a conviction for the rape of a child under 13 dating back to 2014, the court heard.

Martin Salloway, defending, said Lulham had mental and physical problems. The defendant will serve half of his sentence in prison and the rest on licence. He was also made subject to a Sexual harm Prevention Order for 10 years.

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