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Inside the visa loophole allowing illegal Chinese migrants easy access to the US as Biden's border enforcement network buckles under its own weight

skynews.com.au 2024/10/5

A loophole in visa restrictions giving illegal immigrants a safer pathway into the United States is the latest symptom of America's failing border infrastructure ahead of the presidential election this November, writes John Mac Ghlionn. 

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Ecuador, once a favoured route for Chinese nationals seeking entry into the United States, recently reinstated mandatory visa requirements for visitors from China.

This policy shift aims to curb the flow of illegal immigration through Ecuador, which previously served as a strategic starting point for migrants aiming to traverse South America towards the US border.

The decision by the South American nation underscores a tightening of immigration controls in response to pressure from the United States and regional security concerns.

This move disrupts the previously established route and complicates the journey for Chinese nationals seeking to exploit loopholes in immigration enforcement.

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All hope is not lost, however - for Chinese migrants, anyway.

That’s because Suriname, another South American nation, emerges as a viable alternative for Chinese migrants.

A member of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), this small, somewhat unknown country grants Chinese citizens a 30-day visa-free pass.

China and Suriname’s strategic alliance not only fosters economic cooperation but also provides a streamlined entry to the border, circumventing Ecuador's tightened visa regulations and bypassing the perilous Darién Gap.

A dense and unforgiving jungle spanning the border between Panama and Colombia, the Darién Gap is infamous for its hostile terrain, dangerous predators (jaguars, crocodiles, and poisonous dart frogs), and lack of infrastructure.

It presents a formidable obstacle for migrants seeking passage through South America towards the United States.

Crossing this daunting region entails navigating thick rainforests, steep mountains, rivers teeming with dangerous currents, and the ever-present threat of armed groups.

The inhospitable conditions have claimed countless lives and deterred all but the most determined travellers.

This makes Suriname, effectively a launching point where migrants can enter South America legally and proceed northward towards the US border with reduced risk and circumvention of traditional immigration controls - so appealing.

Suriname allowing pro-China immigrants a safer pathway into the United States should be another clear indication that US citizens need to kick out Joe Biden this November, writes John Mac Ghlionn. Picture: Getty
Suriname allowing pro-China immigrants a safer pathway into the United States should be another clear indication that US citizens need to kick out Joe Biden this November, writes John Mac Ghlionn. Picture: Getty

It’s important to note that anyone leaving China does so with the tacit approval of Beijing.

The country operates a tight social credit system, monitoring all citizens and assigning scores based on their behaviour - an eerie reality reminiscent of dystopian narratives like the TV series ‘Black Mirror’.

This system ensures that those who depart have been vetted and are often aligned with the strategic interests of the Chinese state.

In other words, it is likely that many, if not all, of the Chinese crossing the southern border do so with blessings from Beijing.

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In 2023, the number of Chinese migrants who entered the United States illegally from Mexico was ten times higher than that of 2022.

Some sections of the media are calling it an invasion - they’re not wrong.

For example, more than 400 migrants have been brought into the US by a human smuggling network affiliated with the Islamic State group.

Recently, eight men with connections to this terrorist organisation were arrested, suspected of planning an attack on American soil.

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Undoubtedly, there are many more individuals, some of who may be unknown, harbouring the same malicious intentions and roaming freely within the country.

To compound matters, the largest migrant detention centre in the United States, located in South Texas, is set to close.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, Texas, will cease operations due to cost-saving measures.

Recognised as the costliest facility within ICE's national detention network, this closure comes at a critical time when ICE detention numbers have reached their highest levels since 2020.

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Its closure leaves a significant gap in America's border enforcement infrastructure, a gap that may be exploited by a number of emerging threats.

Rather incredibly, in June, ICE was forced to admit that 2,572 illegal immigrants had been released through a "special" parole program.

Even more incredibly, the Biden administration released these individuals in defiance of a court order halting the program.

The Department of Homeland Security reportedly released the foreign nationals without a pending immigration court date, instead instructing them to check in with immigration within a 60-day window.

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More than 40 per cent of the illegal immigrants violated the check-in period, and a larger segment still hasn't been served a notice-to-appear. 

As policymakers confront these realities, the imperative to safeguard America's borders from clandestine infiltration and potential security threats looms large.

The presence of so many undocumented migrants moving freely within the US poses significant threats to national security and public safety. 

These issues resonate deeply with the American public, particularly as the nation approaches a pivotal election.

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The fear and uncertainty surrounding unchecked migration, national security, and public safety have the potential to significantly influence voter sentiment.

Many Americans feel that current immigration policies and border security measures are insufficient, prompting a desire for more stringent enforcement and accountability.

This climate of concern and apprehension will likely play a crucial role in the upcoming election.

Former President Donald Trump, known for his hardline stance on immigration and border security, may see a surge in support from voters who prioritise these issues.

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His promises to build a stronger border wall, increase deportations of illegal immigrants and implement stricter immigration policies resonate with those who feel the current administration has failed to adequately protect the nation's borders.

As tens of millions of Americans head to the ballot boxes in November, the implications of the current immigration crisis could swing the election in Trump's favour.

The intersection of national security concerns and electoral politics underscores the critical importance of robust border enforcement - a fact that seems to be lost on the Biden administration. 

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