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Benin Set to Host FARI-2025, Championing African Youth, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

newsghana.com.gh 3 days ago
La Photo De Souvenir
La Photo De Souvenir

Leaders from the International Committee, a group dedicated to fostering African innovation and entrepreneurship, have committed to ensuring the success of the upcoming second edition of the Forum for African Research and Innovation (FARI), slated to take place in Benin from May 5 to 9, 2025.

The theme for this pivotal event, “African youth, innovation and entrepreneurship: building a sustainable future,” was decided during a recent meeting in Cotonou, Benin’s economic capital.

At the meeting’s conclusion on June 28, 2024, participants underscored the vital role of robust support from key stakeholders such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Their unwavering commitment to mobilize both financial resources and technical assistance instils confidence in the forum’s success.

ECOWAS has been urged to take a central role in promoting FARI-2025 among its Member States, encouraging participation from high-level officials including Ministers, Heads of Institutions, and Heads of State. The audience’s active involvement is crucial, and a comprehensive communication strategy and resource mobilization plan are expected to be put in place by the regional organization to ensure their engagement.

The meeting also validated crucial elements for the event, including the scientific committee’s terms of reference, the roadmap for preparation, and Benin’s specifications for hosting the forum. Discussion panels focusing on startup training themes and sub-themes aligned with the main theme of FARI-2025 were also approved.

Prof. Fatou Sow Sarr, Commissioner for Human Development and Social Affairs of the ECOWAS Commission, expressed optimism about FARI-2025’s potential. She highlighted its role in placing youth at the forefront of discussions on innovation and science, coinciding with ECOWAS’s 50th-anniversary celebrations.

Dr. Roland Kouakou, Acting Director of Education, Science, and Culture at the ECOWAS Commission, emphasized the forum’s goal of harnessing the creativity of inventors and startups to solve regional youth challenges.

Une Autre Vue Des Membres Du Comité International
Une Autre Vue Des Membres Du Comité International

Prof. Clement Agbangla, representing Benin’s Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Eleonore Yayi Ladekan, assured stakeholders of Benin’s unwavering readiness to host FARI-2025. He underscored the country’s meticulous logistical preparedness and outlined comprehensive security measures, instilling confidence in the successful execution of the event.

Established following a recommendation during the 3rd meeting of ECOWAS Ministers responsible for science, technology, and innovation in December 2018, FARI aims to become a premier platform for showcasing inventions and fostering innovation within the ECOWAS region.

In conclusion, FARI-2025 in Benin is poised to advance science, technology, and innovation policies across Africa. This marks a significant step towards building a sustainable future through youth-driven initiatives and regional collaboration.

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