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10 Best Money In The Bank Ladder Matches, Definitively Reviewed

thesportster.com 3 days ago
Best WWE Money In The Bank Ladder Matches

The Money In The Bank ladder match has become a staple of WWE, debuting almost two whole decades ago at WrestleMania 21, when Edge became the first man to ever win the now iconic briefcase. Over the years, WWE has hosted over thirty Money In The Bank ladder matches, but some matches have certainly been far better than others.

Randy Orton's Definitive 10 Best WWE Matches, Ranked

Randy Orton has the reputation for being one of the smoothest workers of all time, and with that comes a list of classic WWE matches.

TheSportster’s rating system will determine which of these matches have wowed fans, impressed the most, and quite simply had the most quality. These ratings will be compared to those from Cagematch.Net and Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

10 Shinsuke Nakamura Vs. Dolph Ziggler Vs. AJ Styles Vs. Baron Corbin Vs. Kevin Owens Vs. Sami Zayn (WWE Money In The Bank 2017)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 4.5 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.05

As they always do during matches like this, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens put in some great work to bring some brutal and hard-hitting spots, and make their hatred for one another feel authentic. Everyone else was great here too, bringing their own style to ensure that the match delivered. Nakamura was a key figure in getting fans invested, being taken out of the match early on but returning later in the bout. His face-off with AJ Styles brought the crowd to their feet too. Corbin’s victory was a mistake in hindsight, but the match itself was a good one.

9 Bayley Vs. Iyo Sky Vs. Becky Lynch Vs. Zoey Stark Vs. Trish Stratus Vs. Zelina Vega (WWE Money In The Bank 2023)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 4 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 7.98

When it comes to women’s Money In The Bank matches, this one is certainly the best to date. With just six competitors, the contest had a good focus on storytelling, tension, and more. The feud between Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch was handled well, as was the drama between Iyo Sky and Bayley, both of whom were members of Damage CTRL. The spots were strong, there were some high-risk moments, and the finish of Sky handcuffing both Bayley and Lynch was one of the most unique ways to close out a MITB match.

8 Daniel Bryan Vs. Wade Barrett Vs. Heath Slater Vs. Justin Gabriel Vs. Sheamus Vs. Sin Cara Vs. Kane Vs. Cody Rhodes (WWE Money In The Bank 2011)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 4 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.45

Despite a lack of huge star power on paper, this match delivered in a great way. There were unique spots, organized chaos, great character-driven performances, and a nice unpredictability which helped to provide drama and tension. Everyone put in a strong showing, even Sin Cara who had to be taken out after a brutal powerbomb through a ladder. Bryan won the match which was a popular call, starting his climb to the main event in WWE.

7 Cody Rhodes Vs. Damian Sandow Vs. Cesaro Vs. Wade Barrett Vs. Jack Swagger Vs. Dean Ambrose Vs. Fandango (WWE Money In The Bank 2013)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8.25/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 3.75 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.39

This match featured a sea of wrestlers who were desperately looking to break out and become a star, and the fact that no one here (except Swagger) was a former world champion added some high stakes. The in-ring work was very strong, the spots were fun, but where this match really shone was in the storytelling aspect. Cody Rhodes underwent a babyface turn within the match, fighting off heels and overcoming the numbers disadvantage to get fans firmly on his side, only to be betrayed by his tag team partner Damian Sandow.

6 Kofi Kingston Vs. Dean Ambrose Vs. Seth Rollins Vs. Jack Swagger Vs. Dolph Ziggler Vs. RVD (WWE Money In The Bank 2014)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8.25/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 4.5 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.45

Seth Rollins’ rise to stardom saw him win the Money In The Bank in a brilliant ladder match. RVD returning was a great moment and he showed up to put in some classic RVD-style spots, Kofi Kingston was a consistent highlight reel, and the great feud between Dean Ambrose and Rollins helped to provide a consistent thread through the match that pushed it higher in terms of storytelling. The interference finish was a little bit underwhelming, but everything before that was high in quality.

5 John Morrison Vs. Shelton Benjamin Vs. Carlito Vs. CM Punk Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. MVP Vs. Mr. Kennedy (WWE WrestleMania 24)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8.25/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 3.25 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.28

This match might not have been the longest Money In The Bank match of all time, but it had a very frantic pace and wonderful chaos, all without becoming sloppy or messy, which is a testament to all those involved. This had a sea of strong moments including Morrison’s moonsault whilst holding a ladder, Benjamin crashing through a ladder, and a fun spot at the end with Chris Jericho’s leg getting caught, allowing CM Punk to score a popular win.

4 CM Punk Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Mr. Kennedy Vs. Edge Vs. Booker T Vs. Finlay Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. Matt Hardy (WWE WrestleMania 23)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8.25/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 4.25 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.32

WrestleMania 23 hosted a very entertaining Money In The Bank ladder match featuring plenty of star power and world class WWE wrestlers. Matt Hardy helped to drive forward the storytelling aspects of the match, but this will be remembered for some truly all-time great spots such as Mr. Kennedy’s Green Bay Plunge on Hornswoggle, Randy Orton RKOing CM Punk from a ladder, and Jeff Hardy’s insane leg drop on Edge through a ladder. Although Kennedy’s win wasn’t the greatest in hindsight, the match itself was a joy.

3 Kevin Owens Vs. Sami Zayn Vs. Alberto Del Rio Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. Dean Ambrose Vs. Cesaro (WWE Money In The Bank 2016)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8.5/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 4.25 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.54

The talent involved here was top draw, and they all put in a shift to create a focused, strong, and entertaining Money In The Bank ladder match. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens were particular highlights, putting their bodies on the line in some truly brutal spots, such as a gnarly Michinoku Driver on a ladder. This might have had a slower pace than some other matches, but that only added to the tension of the match. Ambrose’s victory saw the crowd erupt in a brilliant moment too.

2 Big E Vs. John Morrison Vs. Drew McIntyre Vs. Kevin Owens Vs. Ricochet Vs. Riddle Vs. Seth Rollins Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (WWE Money In The Bank 2021)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8.5/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 4.75 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.78

The return to live fans at Money In The Bank 2021 after the pandemic had shut down arenas led to a thunderous atmosphere for this match. The star power was on full show, with several former world champions and wrestlers who looked like future ones at the time too. The technical ability of all of these men might have been the highest in quality out of any Money In The Bank ladder match, and it led to an incredible encounter. Ricochet was draw-dropping, the spots were all impactful, and the victory for Big E was a fantastic moment.

1 Edge Vs. Christian Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. Shelton Benjamin Vs. Chris Benoit Vs. Kane (WWE WrestleMania 21)

Overall Rating From TheSportster: 8.75/10



Technical Ability


Character Work/Psychology


Crowd Reaction


  • Dave Meltzer Rating: 4.5 Stars
  • Cagematch.net Rating: 8.98

The best Money In The Bank ladder match in WWE is still the very first one at WrestleMania 21. The range of styles in the match, the star power involved, the memorable spots and the feeling of something special taking place right before our eyes all helped to ensure that this match became a marquee part of WWE programming each and every year. It was chaotic, focused, and featured several great and tense moments.

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