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How Innovation Best Drives Business Growth

Forbes 2 days ago

CEO of Total Nutrition Technology, Lourdes McAgy is an industry leader in consumer goods for both multi-million corps & small businesses.

Businesswoman gesturing while discussing with colleagues during meeting at conference table in board room

I've learned a few things in my decades of experience as CEO of a private-label food and nutrition company. While there are always best practices that hold true over time, like hiring quality employees, outside-the-box thinking is a must for long-term business growth.

My journey as an entrepreneur has been far from simple, but in my experience, the key to success is being able to lean into the curve of change, innovation and growth. In this article, I’ll share a few strategies that provide a roadmap for entrepreneurs and business leaders who want to build strong, sustainable businesses.

Ask For What You Want

Innovation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a tangible driver of business success. Innovation means continually seeking out new solutions and improvements. It’s incredible what problems you can solve—and answers you can find—when you simply ask. Solving problems comes down to the simple act of getting curious, asking questions and exploring possibilities. People genuinely like to help or give advice, so stay humble and help will be easier to obtain from others.

Address A Real Need

Some businesses are copycats that try to improve an existing model. That’s well and good, but what problem are you really solving? Driving innovation is about identifying a need and pursuing it with determination.

This targeted approach ensures you focus your efforts on areas with the greatest potential for impact. Is that in copying what’s been done before or trying something new? In my opinion, it’s all about developing products and services that resonate with the market demand. More often than not, that means doing something different. It can be a different delivery method of the same product you have seen in the industry or simply a different market approach to selling an item.

Take Measured Risks

I’m no stranger to risk-taking, but you won’t find me gambling in business, either. Differentiate between calculated risks and reckless gambles. The line isn’t always clear when it comes to innovation.

It’s tempting to dive headfirst into something wild, creative and innovative, but I always recommend weighing the risks and benefits before doing so. This approach has helped me innovate while minimizing potential losses and running a more thoughtful, sustainable business.

Make Realistic Promises

Overpromising is a common pitfall of innovation that so many entrepreneurs fall into. How many times have entrepreneurs’ big promises let us down? Don’t be one of those people. Overpromising is a recipe for failure that will hurt your opportunities in the market and could even damage your reputation or lead to legal liability.

Setting realistic expectations is vital for maintaining trust and credibility with customers, partners and stakeholders. It’s best to underpromise and overdeliver. By delivering on promises consistently, businesses can build a reputation for reliability and integrity.

Pay Attention To The Details

Entrepreneurs are known for being “idea people.” Visionary work is vital, but so is the ability to create a roadmap to make your vision a reality. After all, what good is a vision without a plan to achieve it?

Business leaders need to be “execution people,” too. That means paying attention to every aspect of the business, from operations to customer service. Create processes that you and the team can follow. A checklist in each category is ideal. The medical and aviation industries have checklists for every detail to ensure safe measures are followed. All businesses should follow suit. Careful oversight ensures all parts of the plan are firing correctly. Since big ideas rarely work out the way you think they will, focusing on the details before executing the plan could help you avoid the messy headaches that often come with implementing innovative ideas you are not able to follow.

Always Have A Backup Plan

Innovation made my company what it is today. But the business as it is today certainly wasn’t Plan A—or even Plan B. Life happens and business is unpredictable, so all entrepreneurs need a backup plan (or 20).

As long as you have eyes on the target, the plan to get there may fluctuate. Maybe your audience’s preferences change, a new competitor shows up on the scene or new regulations crop up. It happens! Flexibility is essential for the unpredictable nature of business, especially if you’re trying to drive growth through innovation. Have alternate strategies in place to adapt to these changes and challenges without losing momentum.

Mapping The Innovation Blueprint

Business leadership might feel like a “no risk, no reward” game, but I believe a more balanced approach is in order. Innovation can quickly become an expensive gamble without a realistic approach, so focus on measured, calculated innovation instead of blind risk. By fostering a culture of innovation, balancing risks, maintaining realistic promises and paying close attention to detail, businesses can build a strong foundation for growth.

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