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Tuition Hikes Common At Most Colleges, But Some Are Holding The Line

Forbes 2 days ago

Almost all colleges and universities have now officially approved their new operating budgets and tuition rates for the upcoming academic year, and it’s clear that the vast majority of institutions across the nation are increasing their listed tuition and fee charges.

The hikes tend to be clustered in the 3-4% range, with many schools also boosting financial aid to help offset the increases.

Against this backdrop of tuition increases, however, several major public universities stand out for their decision to hold the line on the published cost of tuition for academic year 2024-25. Among the Big Ten universities, for example, although most schools have raised the upcoming year’s tuition for in-state students, two institutions — Purdue University and the University of Illinois – kept their rates flat.

Purdue University will freeze its tuition for the 13th straight year. Last December, its board of trustees approved Purdue President Mung Chiang’s request for a tuition freeze that would extend through at least the 2025-26 academic year. The freeze means base undergraduate tuition at Purdue will remain at $9,992 per year for Indiana residents through 2025-26.

“Purdue continues to lead affordability and student access by offering higher education at the highest proven value,” Chiang said at the time. “Each year we evaluate the financial condition of the university, and we continue to grow the 62% part of the annual operating budget that is outside of undergraduate tuition.”

The University of Illinois system will also hold its tuition rate level for resident undergraduates for next year at its three universities. That decision marks the seventh year out of the last ten that the system has kept undergraduate tuition unchanged for in-state students. The board also approved a zero increase in total fees at all three system universities — in Champaign-Urbana, Chicago and Springfield — for the first time in more than 25 years.

Elsewhere among Big Ten schools, tuition hikes for resident undergraduates hovered in the 2.5% - 3.75% range, although the University of Minnesota is imposing a 4.5% increase.

Other major public universities electing to freeze undergraduate tuition for in-state students include Clemson University and the University of South Carolina, for the fifth and sixth straight year, respectively. Florida State University is also freezing tuition, maintaining the same rates it’s charged since 2013.

As a result of extra funding approved by the Texas legislature last year, public universities in Texas — including the Texas A&M University, the University of Texas, the University of Houston, Texas Tech University, Texas State University and the University of North Texas — agreed to keep in-state tuition unchanged for two years, which includes 2024-25.

In-state tuition will remain flat at the University of North Carolina for the upcoming school year. The system said it marks the eighth straight year undergraduate tuition has remained the same.

Oklahoma State University is freezing its tuition and mandatory fees for the third consecutive year, marking five out of the last six years without increases. In a news release, OSU President Kayse Shrum said the decision “reflects our shared commitment to affordability through prudent management of our financial resources. The OSU community's dedication to solid financial management allows us to fulfill our land grant mission to provide access for as many students as possible to a high-quality college education."

In April, the South Dakota Board of Regents voted to again freeze tuition at the state’s six public universities for the 2025 academic year, after the state legislature appropriated $5.7 million to help the system hold the line on tuition increases. The decision applies to both resident and nonresident undergraduates.

Meanwhile, students attending most elite colleges will see higher tuition sticker prices, although at many of these institutions, the increases will all be covered by more aid for students with documented financial need. As examples,

Competition for enrollment will be intense once again this year, and institutions that can boast about keeping their tuition charges down may gain a marketing edge.

Many lower- and moderate-income students are facing additional affordability challenges because of the federal government’s botched rollout of its revised Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. As a result, price-consciousness may become an even more salient factor in students’ final enrollment decisions this year.

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