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A 3,300-year-old shipwreck discovered off Israeli coast could rewrite history. Here's why

wionews.com 1 day ago

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A company drilling for oil off the Israeli coast stumbled upon a shipwreck which might change maritime history as we know it. The ship, which according to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) is 3,300 years old is also said to be the remains of the oldest shipwreck to be found in the deep sea. 

About the shipwreck discovered

The shipwreck and its artefacts were discovered around 1,800 metres deep at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea by Energean, an energy company. The cargo on the ship included hundreds of amphorae – a tall ancient Greek or Roman container likely used for carrying oil, wine or fruit. 

The shipwreck was discovered last year after the Energean-operated underwater robot was scouring the seabed and stumbled upon the 12- to 14-metre-long ship buried in the muddy bottom of the sea among hundreds of jars. 

The energy company’s environment lead Karnit Bahartan said that they had sent the images to the IAA; it turned out to be a “sensational discovery, far beyond what we could imagine”.  

The ship is still sitting at the bottom of the ocean. However, Energean worked with the IAA and retrieved two of the jars to the surface for research.

‘Groundbreaking discovery’

The finding of the hundreds of intact ancient amphorae has been described as a “groundbreaking discovery” by the IAA. 

The Israeli authority also said that given the depth at which the shipwreck is, it has been undisturbed by waves, currents or fishermen for millennia. Therefore, the IAA believes that it offers a greater potential for research. 

“Only two other shipwrecks with cargo are known from the Late Bronze Age in the Mediterranean Sea…both found off the Turkish coast. Yet both of those shipwrecks were found relatively close to shore,” Jacob Sharvit, head of the IAA marine unit noted. 

The shipwreck, Sharvit said, has “tremendous potential” for research and since it was “preserved at such a great depth time has frozen since the moment of disaster.” 

According to the IAA, the discovery suggests that the navigational skills of ancient sailors were more advanced than previously thought. 

“The discovery of this boat now changes our entire understanding of ancient mariner abilities. It is the very first to be found at such a great distance with no line of sight to any landmass,” said Sharvit. 

He also noted that up until this discovery, researchers were under the impression that the trade during this period was conducted by boats sailing close to the shore and “safely flitting from port to port”. 

“The discovery of this boat now changes our entire understanding of ancient mariner abilities. It is the very first to be found at such a great distance with no line of sight to any landmass,” said the official from the IAA. 

The finding, as per the Israeli official, also suggests that the sailors navigated using celestial bodies like the sun and star positions to find their way.

(With inputs from agencies)

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