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Raila's AUC campaign facing fresh turbulence

nation.co.ke 5 days ago

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s campaign for the chairmanship of the African Union Commission (AUC) is in limbo ahead of the elections in February next year.

Although President William Ruto, top Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs officials, and Mr Odinga have reached out to various Heads of State to drum up support for the country’s bid, the Nation has learnt that other pertinent issues have yet to be addressed.

Mr Odinga has also launched fresh attacks on the government, stating that the recent anti-tax protests were a clear indication of a vote of no confidence in the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary of Kenya.

“What happened was a vote of no confidence. The people of Kenya spoke loudly that they don’t have confidence in Parliament and occupied it even eating food from there," Mr Odinga said on Saturday during the burial of comedian Fred Omondi in Ugenya, Siaya County.

“They also went to the office of the Chief Justice blaming while accusing the Judiciary for the problems we are facing as a country," he added.

The ODM leader said this was a clear message that the public does not have confidence on three institutions – Executive, Judiciary and Legislature.

Apart from Mr Odinga’s tough stance against the government, which is backing his AUC bid, by Sunday Kenya was yet to submit his candidacy as promised, further lifting the lid on the confusion now surrounding his bid.

Whereas Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi announced that Kenya would submit its candidacy for the position by June 30 during a joint briefing with Mr Odinga early last Month (June), this is not the case.

Reliable sources privy to the campaign told the Nation that it was not tenable to submit Mr Odinga’s candidacy by end of June “since there is still no consensus on what to be submitted.”

The commission had set tough conditions and set a deadline of August 6 for the submission of candidatures for the post.

In a communique by the Office of the Legal Council last Month, the commission said each candidate for the position of Chairperson shall be required to submit a curriculum vitae (CV) in the approved AU format, together with a short write up on his or her vision for the position.

This should outline how they intend to address the most pressing issues facing AU and the continent in at least two working languages of the Union. 

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