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Wilford Street Nottingham group fight investigation continues as man arrested

nottinghampost.com 2 days ago

Nottinghamshire Police were called to Nottingham city centre at around 4am on Sunday, June 23

Wilford Street remained closed for several hours on Sunday, June 23, as a police cordon was put in place
Wilford Street remained closed for several hours on Sunday, June 23, as a police cordon was put in place

A man has been arrested as part of a police investigation into a group fight where two people were stabbed in Nottingham city centre. Officers were called to Wilford Street at around 4am on Sunday, June 23, following the brawl and the road was closed for several hours with a cordon in place, guarded by police vehicles and multiple officers.

Five men were arrested at the scene of the crime on suspicion of violent disorder. Two people sustained stab injuries and were taken to hospital. The injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.

Police explained the individuals have now been released on conditional bail while detectives continue their investigation. However, on Tuesday, June 25, a 26-year-old man was arrested in Derby.

Detective Sergeant James Hirst, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “We’ve now arrested a further suspect in connection with our ongoing investigation and I hope our robust response provides reassurance to the public about just how seriously we take reports of this nature. As a force we remain committed to driving down violence and weapon-enabled crime in our communities. This kind of disorder is utterly unacceptable, and we are determined to bring all those involved to justice.

"While we have made a further arrest, we would still like to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the incident or who may have CCTV, dashcam, or mobile phone footage which could assist us with our ongoing investigation."

Anyone who saw what happened or has any footage which could assist detectives with their investigation is urged to contact the police by calling 101, quoting incident number 99 of 23 June 2024, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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