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The shocked parents who discovered their son had been exploited by a criminal underworld - but it was far too late

manchestereveningnews.co.uk 2 days ago

Nathaniel Shani was stabbed to death over a petty feud by another teenage boy

The scene at Tavistock Square
The scene at Tavistock Square

At just 14, Nathaniel Shani enjoyed doing many of the same normal things as teenage boys across the country. He played on his PlayStation and hung out with friends. Nathaniel also took pride in his role as an air cadet, shining his shoes and ironing his shirt to make sure he looked the part.

But Nathaniel’s life was brutally and cruelly cut short, after a brief foray into a criminal underworld, where he was exploited by sophisticated criminals into dealing drugs.

Stabbed to death as part of a petty feud, his parents are struggling to comprehend how their son could have become involved in drug dealing without their knowledge.

Shattered and devastated by this realisation, they attended their son’s murder trial but understandably found it hard to listen to horrifying testimony surrounding his killing.

Nathaniel was killed by another young boy, who he had once regarded as a friend. But Nathaniel’s bid to ‘save face’, when some cannabis he’d been given to sell was stolen from him, had devastating consequences.

In an interview with the Manchester Evening News, the lead detective on the case, DCI Gina Brennand, revealed that the dealer who provided Nathaniel with the drugs has since been locked up for drugs offences.

And she said that her team’s investigation revealed that Nathaniel had only been involved in drug dealing for about two weeks before he was murdered.

'Had the drugs not been stolen, the fight would never have taken place'

DCI Gina Brennand speaking outside Manchester Crown Court
DCI Gina Brennand speaking outside Manchester Crown Court

DCI Brennand said: “That street level exploitation, I would say, has led to Nathaniel’s murder. Had the drugs not been stolen, the fight would never have taken place. That person has been the catalyst for Nathaniel’s murder, and his parents would say that.

“Nathaniel’s parents were very interested in the person who was exploiting their son. You’ve got to look at it through that lens, it’s child exploitation, is what was happening to Nathaniel and his friends, and they don’t have the skills to know otherwise.

“They might think it's cool, but they’re not. They’re just acting for someone else and being exploited. It happens every day, on streets of inner cities in the UK. And this is why children start to carry knives.

“It's awful, absolutely awful, It's devastating.”

She said that messages recovered had shown that Nathaniel had been told he could move onto selling cocaine if he did ‘well’ with cannabis.

“These are vulnerable children who can’t make decisions, who might want some money for a new pair of trainers, and so they start doing things because someone has approached them,” DCI Brennand said. “They just don’t make wise decisions, because they’re children.”

On top of the loss of their son, DCI Brennand said Nathaniel’s parents have asked questions of themselves as to whether they could have done anything to help him.

Family members of Nathaniel Shani look on as a statement is read on their behalf outside Manchester Crown Court
Family members of Nathaniel Shani look on as a statement is read on their behalf outside Manchester Crown Court

She added: “They look inward, as to ‘what could we have done?’ or ‘what have we missed?’ At least we could tell them that as far as we’re aware, from Nathaniel’s phone evidence, this is such a short period, just 14 days before he died that he started to get involved in dealing cannabis.

“They will always look at whether they could have done anything to prevent it, but they didn’t know. You can’t imagine the torment that parents go through.”

Nathaniel was a student at Manchester Communication Academy in Harpurhey. He had many friends and was not afraid to stand up for them if he felt they were being wronged.

It was there that he met the boy who would later murder him. He and Boy A, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, had initially been ‘good’ friends. Boy A, the youngest of four children, had ‘problems’ at school. He was placed on a ‘managed move’ to another school and police claim he had displayed ‘violent’ behaviour which was ‘escalating’.

Boy A would later claim that he and Nathaniel fell out because of a row between mutual friends of theirs, in which they both fell on different sides of the argument. He said they stopped hanging out, and began engaging in fights with each other. At first they were a ‘joke’ but later became ‘organised’, Boy A said.

Nathaniel Shani

It was on September 15, 2023, that the feud exploded out of all proportion. The theft of some cannabis from an associate of Nathaniel’s was the incident which lit the fuse.

Boy B, a friend of Boy A, took a small amount of cannabis from a boy in Tavistock Square, Harpurhey, an area with a shop and takeaway where kids would hang around. When word got back to Nathaniel, he was angry. It was some of the drugs which he’d been provided with. The events of the day were chronicled in Snapchat messages which fuelled the fire.

The eventual confrontation and murder was caught on gruesome CCTV footage. Nathaniel collapsed after being stabbed to the neck by Boy A.

DCI Brennand and her team were assigned to the case the following day.

“It was known immediately who had stabbed Nathaniel, because he was named by people at the scene,” she recalled. Boy A was arrested that night. Boy B, who was also convicted of murder after he was said to have ‘encouraged’ Boy A, handed himself in the following day.

She said that as well as gathering scientific evidence, her team had to speak with other children who had witnessed the horror.

Flowers and a photo of Nathaniel at the scene
Flowers and a photo of Nathaniel at the scene

DCI Brennand said: “It's always very difficult when you’ve got very traumatised children who’ve seen something they should never see or experience, of some of them of their best friend dying in front of their eyes.

“We knew that it had been prompted by the street robbery, we knew there had been a precursor that had led to the meeting

“But we didn’t know it was about drugs, we were told it was about the theft of money, which is natural when you’ve got children trying to not get into trouble and hide things from their parents.”

As the investigation continued, the background to Nathaniel’s murder became clearer.

“This isn’t uncommon that children are exploited by adults in order to street deal,” the detective added. “What we did establish from his phone was that it had probably only been happening for two weeks.

“It was such a short period of time, this is what makes it even more tragic. His own parents hadn’t had the chance to become aware of what he was doing. They are mortified that they didn’t know.

“What we’ve said to them as a team is that you’d have been lucky to know.”

Forensics at the scene
Forensics at the scene

As well as having their son’s final moments played out in minute, graphic detail, Nathaniel’s family also had to watch on as his character was called into question.

“You saw a very one-sided view of Nathaniel, based on what was on his phone, not who he was as a person, friend, a son, a student,” DCI Brennand said.

“None of that was in that court arena, because the defence were focused on attacking his character in order to defend their clients.”

Nathaniel, who his family knew as being a kind, caring and polite young man, was yet another young life lost to knife crime. Asked for her views on how society can act to stop it in future, DCI Brennand added: “You can’t do it as a single agency. You need parents and families involved, you need council CCTV to be in the right place, you need security in the streets in the form of places where children can’t hide, you need education at school.

“It seems to me that it doesn’t matter how many children die from a knife wound from someone of a similar age, week in week out in the UK. That is not a preventative message to the children. I think the children might be the best people to ask how you stop it.

“I bet those who saw Nathaniel die won’t carry a knife anymore.”

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