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ODM legislator recovering from head surgery after being attacked in Nairobi

pulselive.co.ke 2 days ago

ODM party gives health update on politician who was caught up in protests on June 25

Nairobi MCA Catherine Okoth undergoes head surgery after attack in Nairobi demos
Nairobi MCA Catherine Okoth undergoes head surgery after attack in Nairobi demos

The Orange Democratic Movement has given an update on the health of Nominated MCA Catherine Okoth.

Catherine was caught up in the violent protests on June 25 in Nairobi CBD as she was driving home.

The vehicle was attacked by protestors and fell into a trench hurting the occupants. She was rushed to hospital along with her driver

She was discharged and is recuperating after undergoing a head surgery. Her driver was also discharged.

Catherine has been serving as an MCA in Nairobi County Assembly and has served as a councilor in the defunct Nairobi City Council.

Vehicle belonging to Nominated MCA Catherine Okoth.
Vehicle belonging to Nominated MCA Catherine Okoth.

Several Members of Parliament suffered significant losses as their property was targeted and destroyed during protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

The bill, which was passed by Parliament despite widespread public opposition, led to widespread demonstrations across the country. MPs Kimani Kuria (Molo), Njoroge Wainaina (Kieni), Muchangi Karemba (Mbeere South), and Oscar Sudi (Kapsaret) were among those whose businesses and homes were attacked and razed by protesters.

For Kimani Kuria, two of his vehicles, a hatchback and a Toyota Land Cruiser, were completely burned down.

His Ford Ranger pickup truck was also damaged, with the windshield smashed by protesters.

Around 10,000 chickens he was rearing on his compound were affected, with 200 burned and some stolen by the protesters.

Six cows and 29 goats were stolen, though police were able to recover 4 of the cows.

The windows of his two-story main residence were also smashed by the protesters.

He serves as the Chairperson of the National Assembly Finance Committee.

Wainaina, who owns a chain of supermarkets in the Mt. Kenya region, lost a premises in Nyeri town that employed over 350 people.

The damage included the loss of Sh450 million in stock and Sh100 million in equipment.

Despite the destruction, Wainaina stated that he did not regret voting for the bill as it would have benefited his constituents in the agricultural sector.

Timber XO club in Eldoret was vandalized and looted
Timber XO club in Eldoret was vandalized and looted

Sudi, whose Timber XO club in Eldoret was vandalized and looted, condemned the attacks and claimed that politicians from the Rift Valley region had planned the vandalism.

The protests, driven by anger over the bill's tax hikes, have turned deadly, with over 20 people killed in clashes with police.

Protesters have accused MPs of betraying the public by supporting the bill, which they believe favours the government over the interests of ordinary Kenyans.

President William Ruto has declined to sign the bill into law following the unrest.

However, the government maintains that new taxes are necessary to fund programs and reduce debt.

As the situation remains tense, the affected MPs are left to count their losses and grapple with the aftermath of the protests that have shaken the nation.

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