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Iranian regime allegedly utilizing university for camouflaging nuclear weapons program and circumventing sanctions

newsfinale.com 5 days ago

Jafarzadeh lamented the “Western powers” policy of “appeasement,” arguing that Iran has faced little punishment for its actions to avoid sanctions. 

“In many ways, the Iranian regime leverages its nuclear program as a tool to blackmail the international community, demanding further concessions while simultaneously intensifying its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons,” Jafarzadeh said. 

“Tehran’s strategy has prevented decisive action against other aspects of its malevolent behavior, such as egregious human rights violations, terrorism, and hostage-taking, and belligerent interference throughout the Middle East,” he added, insisting that at this stage the only way to create real change will come from within with regime change “led by the Iranian people and their organized resistance.” 

The U.S. National Security Council did not respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment by time of publication.

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