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‘One Health’: COVID and Climate Change Converge into Unified Threat, Says AMA

yournews.com 2 days ago

AMA emphasizes the connection between climate change and viral pandemics in new report.

The American Medical Association (AMA) has highlighted the intersection of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and climate change, suggesting that these two global issues are merging into a single, overarching threat. This assertion was made in a paper titled “How curbing climate change can help stop the next viral pandemic,” authored by Tanya Albert Henry, and published earlier this year.

Henry’s report links the emergence of infectious diseases, such as Ebola, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and most recently COVID-19, to global warming and environmental changes. According to Henry, “Nearly 75% of emerging infectious diseases are now zoonotic,” exacerbated by ongoing climate change which affects shared environments among plants, humans, and animals.

AMA Advocates “One Health” Approach

Henry proposes the “One Health” initiative as a solution, advocating for a collaborative, global response to mitigate human-animal transmission risks. This approach, she argues, would involve granting more authority to medical and political leaders to manage and control environmental and health policies effectively.

The February issue of the AMA Journal of Ethics supported these ideas, featuring articles such as “Why Climate Literacy Is Health Literacy” and “Five Things Clinicians Need to Know About Zoonotic Viral Spillover and Spillback.” These articles push for increased awareness and action on the interconnectedness of health ecology and disease transmission.

Joost van Herten, PhD, a senior policy officer and veterinarian at the Royal Veterinary Association in the Netherlands, appeared on the journal’s “Ethics Talk” podcast to discuss the “One Health” approach and its implications for health policy.

Public Reaction and Controversy

The AMA’s stance has sparked significant controversy and backlash from various quarters. Critics argue that merging climate change and viral pandemics into a single narrative is a tactic to expand governmental control over individual lives and freedoms. Skeptics, such as those voiced in reader comments and social media, view these initiatives as part of a broader agenda under the guise of public health and environmental sustainability.

“These climate mentally ill puppets haven’t the slightest idea of just how lame their so-called ‘climate change’ scam is,” commented one critic, reflecting a broader sentiment of distrust towards the narrative linking climate change to health crises. Others have reminisced about past extreme weather events being managed without invoking climate change, pointing to an era where such terminology was less prevalent.

As the debate continues, the AMA remains steadfast in promoting the “One Health” approach, asserting that coordinated efforts on climate and health are essential for preventing future pandemics and ensuring global health security.

For further information, please visit ClimateDepot.com, NaturalNews.com, and AMA-assn.org.

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