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Men Over 35: 7 Exercises to Steer Clear of for Optimal Fitness

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

As we age, staying fit becomes increasingly important, but not all exercises are suitable for everyone. Men over 35 need to be cautious about their workout routines to prevent injuries and ensure effective progress towards their fitness goals. Here are seven exercises that should be avoided by men over 35, along with safer and more efficient alternatives to keep you on track.

Barbell Upright Rows
Barbell upright rows can put your shoulders at risk due to internal rotation, but opting for the wide-grip variation with dumbbells can reduce injury risk while effectively targeting the traps and delts.

Side Bends
Dynamic lateral flexion in side bends can strain your back, so consider exercises like the captain's chair that focus on abdominal stabilization and body rotation instead.

Forward Lunges
Forward lunges may lead to knee injuries, so switch to reverse lunges or Bulgarian split squats for better knee joint health and muscle activation.

Pinch Presses
Pinch presses limit range of motion, try converging chest press or seated cable crossovers for a safer and more effective chest workout.

Behind the Neck Shoulder Press
Avoid behind the neck shoulder presses to prevent shoulder joint stress, opt for front shoulder presses or standing dumbbell variations instead.

Dumbbell Fly
Dumbbell flies can stress the shoulders, choose cable flies or pec deck machine for safer and more efficient chest muscle activation.

Rolling Shrugs
Rolling shrugs may cause neck strain, switch to snatch grip shrugs for targeted traps activation and a safer movement pattern.

Choosing the right exercises is essential for men over 35 to maintain their health and fitness levels. By avoiding these seven exercises and incorporating the suggested alternatives, you can enhance your workout effectiveness while safeguarding your body from unnecessary strain and injury. Remember, making smarter exercise choices is key to long-term fitness success.

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