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I returned from a business trip and discovered my son’s sketch with his ‘New mommy’. The woman depicted was familiar to the cafe

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For illustration purposes only

Let me share how a simple picture turned my world upside down. I’m Harper, and it all started when I came upon a picture my son made of himself and someone I didn’t recognize. What followed was a chain of events that altered my life forever.

I have never been good at being away from my family. Working one week a month in a different location was meant to be a terrific professional move, but I’m missing my husband Shawn and kid Marcus more than I ever thought possible.

Every time I get off the aircraft and see their smiling smiles waiting for me, it feels like coming home after a long, grueling journey. This time was no different.

I arrived home late Friday night and was greeted with hugs and kisses. Shawn had prepared my favorite lasagna, and Marcus had a new drawing to show me. My heart overflowed with love and pleasure. Little did I realize that would alter.

Saturday morning, I decided to clean. With a cup of coffee in one hand and my hair in a sloppy bun, I entered Marcus’ room.

It was a typical eight-year-old’s room, with toys strewn about, crayons on the floor, and heaps of papers with his numerous drawings. I began picking up and smiling at doodles of dinosaurs, rockets, and family photos. Then I saw it.

A drawing captioned “Me and My New Mommy.” My heart has stopped. NEW MOMMY? My hands shook as I glanced at the photograph. Marcus was smiling brightly, holding hands with a woman who was clearly not me. She had blonde hair and wore large crimson earrings.

“No way… Shawn wouldn’t… would he?” I muttered to myself as my eyes stung with tears. I collapsed into Marcus’ bed, holding the picture. The notion of Shawn cheating on me and introducing our son to another woman was like a hit in the gut.

I was about to go into a complete panic until I noticed something else in the picture. Marcus’ naïve calligraphy included the name of our favorite family cafe, “At Jack’s.”

I needed to know the truth. There was no way I could keep this information. I brushed away my tears and took a big breath. I needed a plan.

“Hey Shawn,” I said, attempting to keep my voice steady as I entered the living room where he was reading. “How about we go out for brunch tomorrow? Maybe At Jack’s?”

Shawn looked up from his book, a smile on his face. “Sounds great, Harper. It’s been a while since we went there together.”

The next day, we visited the cafe. Marcus was delighted, talking about pancakes and syrup. On the other hand, I felt as if I was marching towards my doom. My mind raced with the idea of confronting this unknown “new mommy” and what it would entail for our family.

We arrived at the cafe, and I searched the room, my heart racing. We sat at our customary table, and I attempted to appear normal, even though my thinking was anything but. I kept gazing around, hoping I was mistaken. And then I saw her.

The woman in Marcus’ drawing. She wore the same blonde hair and striking red earrings. She was a waitress, bringing a tray of coffee cups, and she noticed us right away. My gut turned into knots. She strolled up to our table with a bright smile on her face.

“Good morning! What can I get for you folks today?” She inquired cheerfully.

I took a big breath and looked at Marcus, who was eagerly thumbing through the menu. “Honey, is that your ‘new mommy?’” I inquired, my voice quivering slightly.

For illustration purposes only

Marcus looked up with wide eyes. “Yes, that’s Jessica!”

Shawn’s face grew red. “How did you…”

Jessica smiled even bigger, kneeling at Marcus’ level. “Tell her, Marcus. She needs to know what you feel.”

“What do you mean?” Shawn inquired, his expression betraying genuine confusion.

“Oh, stop, as if you don’t know,” I snapped, grabbing a picture from my purse. “About this.”

Shawn looked puzzled as I handed him the drawing. “It’s Marcus’.”

He took the image with his brow furrowed. “Again, please. What’s happening?”

I felt a surge of frustration and pain wash over me. “I found this yesterday while cleaning Marcus’ room. I saw the name of this cafe and had to know what was going on. Marcus called her his ‘new mommy.’”

“But it’s nonsense,” Shawn replied, shaking his head. He turned to Marcus and tried to keep his voice quiet. “Marcus, buddy, tell your mom.”

Marcus glanced up at me, his large brown eyes full of uncertainty and honesty. He pointed at Jessica, the waitress. “I wish she were my mommy.”

My heart fell. “But why, honey?”

Marcus looked at Jessica, who gave him an encouraging nod. “You’re missing all the time. But Jessica is so kind to me. She brings me pancakes with funny faces on them. She likes my drawings.”

Jessica knelt beside Marcus, her expression gentle and sympathetic. “He showed me this picture. What did I tell you, Marcus?”To speak to Mom and tell her what I feel,” Marcus said, his voice tiny but genuine.

I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer. They ran down my cheeks as I understood how much my small baby needed me. He needed his mother, not just physically, but emotionally. I was always gone, working, and he found comfort in someone else since I was not present.

I crouched and took Marcus into a close hug, his small arms wrapping around me. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t know you felt this way. I promise I’ll do better.”

Shawn placed a hand on my shoulder, his words softening. “Harper, you’re a great mom. We just need to figure out a way to make this work.”

I nodded, keeping Marcus tight. “I’ll talk to my boss. I’ll quit these trips if I have to. You’re more important than my job, Marcus. I promise I’ll be here for you.”

Jessica stepped up and gave us some room. “I’m sorry if I overstepped. I just wanted Marcus to feel happy and safe while he was here.”

I wiped away my tears and managed a modest smile. Thank you, Jessica. You’ve been quite kind to him. “I appreciate it.”

As we finished our lunch, the stress gradually went away. We spoke and joked, and I gained a new feeling of purpose. I had to be there for my family, no matter what.

When we arrived home, I immediately called my boss. It wasn’t an easy conversation, but I explained that I needed to stop taking business travels. My boss was unexpectedly tolerant, and we came up with a new arrangement that allowed me to spend more time at home.

As I put Marcus into bed that evening, he gave me a dreamy smile. “Are you really going to be home more, Mommy?”

I kissed his forehead, my heart filling with love. “Yes, sweetheart.” I’m going to be with you every day. “No more long trips.”

He hugged me tight. “I love you, Mommy.”

“Marcus, I love you too. More than anything in the world.”

Shawn joined us, sitting on the edge of the bed with his arms wrapped over both of us. “We’re a team, remember? We’ll figure everything out together.”

As I laid in bed that night, Shawn’s arms around me, I felt a profound sense of calm. Our family was stronger than ever, and I knew we could handle anything as long as we were all together. The drawing, which had previously terrified me, now reminded me of the value of being present.

And from that day forward, I promised myself that I would always put my family first. Because no career, no matter how important, could ever replace the love we shared.

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