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How do you prepare your adolescent for life

indianexpress.com 1 day ago

It requires attention to academic, emotional and social development, with adequate parental support to help them become strong adults

Preparing an adolescent for life is a multifaceted process (Source: Freepik)

Preparing an adolescent for life involves equipping them with the necessary skills, knowledge and support to navigate the complexities of adulthood. This holistic approach encompasses various aspects, including education, life skills, emotional intelligence, and practical experiences.

Though change is inevitable, transiting through it can be very challenging. Most students during this time of the year leave for high studies. This may involve them moving to other states or countries

Moving from middle school to high school or from high school to college or the workforce – these transitions require adjustments to new environments, increased academic challenges and greater independence.

Adolescents undergo significant physical changes during puberty, including growth spurts, hormonal changes and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. This period is marked by the development of a more complex emotional and psychological understanding.

Adolescents may experience mood swings, develop a stronger sense of identity and start to form more complex relationships. Changes in peer relationships, the development of romantic relationships and the shifting dynamics with family members are common.

Social skills and independence are increasingly important. It is crucial to reflect these transitions, challenges and pressures in culture, whether through shows, films, literature, or any other medium in order to spark positive discussions and help teens find resonance and support as they navigate through these formative years.

Adolescents may experience mood swings (Source: Freepik)

Academic Preparation

Ensure that the adolescent has a solid understanding of core subjects such as math, science, language arts and social studies. Encourage analytical thinking through projects, discussions, and problem-solving activities. Teach effective study habits, time management, and organisational strategies. These skills once taught would not only be useful during adolescents but also carried forward later in life.

Life Skills

Educate adolescents about budgeting, saving, investing and understanding credit. Introduce concepts such as taxes, loans and insurance. Teach them to cook basic meals, do laundry, clean and manage household chores. Essentially, promote physical health through exercise, nutrition and regular medical check-ups. It is important for you to encourage mental health awareness and self-care practices.

Emotional and Social Intelligence

Help them learn to identify their emotions and understand their triggers, this will help them recognise and manage their emotions better. Teach stress management techniques. Encourage understanding others’ perspectives and developing healthy relationships, so that they don’t have an egocentric approach to life. Discuss topics such as consent, respect and communication with them. Teach them to handle conflicts constructively and peacefully, without losing their cool.

Career and Vocational Skills

Adolescents need to be encouraged to explore various careers through internships, job shadowing or volunteer work. Very often, they would not really know what they want to do until and unless they have had their share of hands on practice at it. Provide guidance on creating a resume, writing cover letters and preparing for job interviews. Emphasize the importance of punctuality, responsibility, teamwork and a positive attitude in the workplace.

Practical Experiences

Encourage them to take on part-time jobs or internships to gain work experience and understand the value of money. Very often parents want to give their children all that they need without them even asking. They want to provide a cushioned life for their children even though they didn’t have one. Over pampering a child may often make them dependent – lacking their own judgment. Allow them to learn through their own experience.

Decision-Making and Responsibility

Teach them to weigh pros and cons, consider long-term consequences, and make informed decisions. Encourage taking responsibility for their actions and learning from mistakes. It is okay to make mistakes initially but it is not okay to not learn from the

Digital Literacy and Safety

We live in a world that is active on artificial intelligence and digital use, educate them on the ethical use of technology, including social media, online privacy, and cybersecurity. Ensure they are proficient in computer skills, software applications and
online research.

Building a Support Network

Connect them with mentors who can provide guidance, support and inspiration. Foster strong, supportive relationships within the family and encourage healthy friendships. The first support network for a child will always be their parents and it is very important for you to tell them, that even if they falter you will stand by them.

Goal Setting and Planning

Teach them to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound goals. Setting goals that are tough to accomplish will only cause lack of motivation at a later stage. Help them develop a vision for their future and create a plan to achieve their aspirations, gradually one step at a time.

Resilience and Adaptability

Equip them with strategies to handle setbacks and challenges. Encourage flexibility and openness to change, helping them navigate life’s unpredictability. Let us normalise failure and teach teens that success is not solely defined by academic achievements. It is important to teach children that putting in the best of effort and being prepared, is a big win in itself, like seen in the Netflix series Kota factory (2019-).

Preparing an adolescent for life is a multifaceted process that requires attention to their academic, emotional, social, and practical development. By providing comprehensive support, guidance, and opportunities for growth through various mediums, we can help adolescents build a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling adulthood. These efforts can help remove the stigma around academic setbacks and celebrate the resilience of teens, encouraging them to view setbacks as stepping stones to personal growth.

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