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See How To Make Your Brain Sharper, Smarter, And Lightning Fast

heathlinecare.com 2 days ago

1. First thing in the morning just put on your shoes and go for a run or cycling for atleast about 30-40mins.

2. Get rid of hot water baths. Cold bath refreshes your entire nervous system making you fresh in thoughts.

3. Play a lot of chess with computer at least two games a day.

4. Read, read and read a lot. Read things that are new to you and informative. Stop watching stupid movies and useless publicity news channel and page3 news.

Read simple physics or do some basic high school math exercises.

5. Spend lots of time with the youth, preferably college folks or high school buddies. They have the innovative minds.

6. Numbers, play a lot with numbers, try to memorize phone numbers of all of your friends and close people and make sure to dial their number rather than calling from the contact list or call log.

7. Learn the art of calmness and get rid of anger. Makes you a smarter decision maker. In any tense situation think before you react.

8. Make it a point to speak at least to one stranger a day at your office or surrounding and try to remember their names and what they do.

9. Learn a new language every year. Also speak in multiple languages through out the day.

10. Start playing a new sport and try to be at least an intermediate player in it.

11. Be curious be hungry, ask questions to yourself about everything that you are curious about and find answers to it.

12. Eat only what is required for your body in limited quantity. If possible eat foods which contain essential amino acids for brain development. (Ex – sea food and nuts.)

13. Take a stroll down your lane before hitting the bed. Do not use your phone just before sleep or when in bed. Finish all phone activities an hour before bed time. Have a 7-8 hour undisturbed sleep<<Continue Reading>>>

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