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Edo 2024: Ighodalo And The ‘Prosperity For All’ Battle Cry

Independent 2 days ago

The quest to move Edo State from where it is now to a possible first world sub-national gov­ernment in Nigeria has provoked a new battle cry. And it is aptly christened “Prosperity for all.” Dr Asue Ighodalo, the widely acclaimed and highly respected gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the September 21 governor­ship election is the originator and champion of the battle cry. This time, however, the battle does not involve the deployment of cudgels, daggers, bows and ar­rows or the more sophisticated AK 47, no. It is a battle of wits, of ideas, of vision, competence and capacity reinforced by impecca­ble character that is anchored on compassion and selflessness.

The new battle cry is encap­sulated in the candidate’s mani­festo for the September 21 gover­norship election in in the state. Expectedly, many have keyed in and joined the chorus since it was unveiled on Monday, June 24.

Ighodalo’s revolutionary and transformative manifesto is conceptualized in a manner to get Edo State’s people to live in consciousness of what the core objectives are and how to achieve them.

Featuring a bold and com­prehensive plan aimed at trans­forming the state, Ighodalo’s manifesto promises a future of unprecedented growth, sustain­ability, and enhanced quality of life for all residents.

The manifesto is built on five dynamic pillars: Wellbeing of All People, Economic Growth, Good Governance, Security, Law & Order, and Environmental Sus­tainability.

Each pillar is meticulously designed to address the state’s current challenges and harness its vast potential thereby setting the stage for a new era of prosper­ity and progress. In a simplified form, the manifesto identifies where the state is, where it wants to be and how to get to the desired goal.

Let’s examine the five pillars separately.

Wellbeing of All People

Ighodalo’s plan to deliver targeted welfare programs, in­cluding conditional grants for the most vulnerable citizens and initiatives to ensure food secu­rity, is a game-changer. These measures will provide immedi­ate relief and uplift the most dis­advantaged, showcasing a deep commitment to social equity.

Healthcare Reforms

The manifesto’s promise to ex­pand access to affordable health­care, particularly for informal workers, market women, and transport operators, is revolu­tionary. By improving healthcare wages and welfare, Ighodalo aims to set a new standard for health­care delivery in Nigeria.

Educational Enhancement

Ighodalo’s commitment to ensuring high-quality edu­cation for every child in Edo, drastically reducing the out-of-school population, and providing university bursaries, reflects a forward-thinking approach to human capital development. This focus on education is set to empower the next generation and drive long-term socio-eco­nomic growth.

Inclusive Economic Agencies

The creation of Zonal Eco­nomic Development Agencies in each senatorial district is a visionary move to ensure equi­table economic growth across the state. This localized approach will harness regional strengths and promote inclusive prosperity.

Agricultural, Industrial Devel­opment

Ighodalo’s plans to invest in sustainable agriculture, reduce post-harvest losses, and develop the Benin Enterprise Park and Benin Port Project are set to revolutionize the state’s econ­omy. These initiatives promise to create thousands of jobs and position Edo as a major economic hub.

Tourism, Creative Economy

By focusing on tourism and creative industries, Ighodalo aims to diversify the economy and unleash the state’s cultural and creative potential. This strat­egy will not only create jobs but also promote Edo as a premier destination for cultural tourism and events.

Transparency And Account­ability

Ighodalo’s pledge to govern with openness, accountability, and transparency is a testament to his commitment to good governance. Regular citizen engagement and transparent budget processes will build trust and ensure that the government works for the people.

E-Governance And Public Service

The manifesto’s emphasis on consolidating e-governance and promoting a motivated public service is groundbreaking. Mer­it-based promotions, enhanced training programs, and the inte­gration of technology will create an efficient and responsive gov­ernment.

Enhanced Security Measures

Strengthening local security networks and adopting modern technologies like drone surveil­lance are key components of the manifesto. These measures will significantly enhance safety and security across the state, foster­ing an environment conducive to growth and development.

Community Engagement

The focus on community po­licing and engagement reflects a deep understanding of the im­portance of grassroots involve­ment in security. This inclusive approach will build trust and ensure that security efforts are collaborative and effective.

Ambitious Environmental Goals

Ighodalo’s plans to increase green spaces, promote renewable energy usage, and plant 500,000 trees in the first year are truly in­spiring. These initiatives under­score a commitment to creating a sustainable future and address­ing environmental challenges.

Sustainable Infrastructure Development

The manifesto’s focus on climate-friendly infrastructure and sustainable development solutions is crucial for long-term prosperity. By prioritising green development, Ighodalo aims to ensure that progress today does not compromise the needs of fu­ture generations.

Vision For The Future

Asue Ighodalo’s manifesto is a bold and comprehensive blue­print for a secure and prosperous Edo State. His commitment to sustainable development, eco­nomic growth, and the well-being of all residents is both visionary and actionable. By building on the achievements of past ad­ministrations and introducing innovative solutions, Ighodalo is set to lead Edo State into a new era of progress and prosperity.

The manifesto’s ambitious goals and detailed plans have been met with widespread en­thusiasm and optimism. As the election approaches, the people of Edo State are eagerly looking forward to the transformative changes that Asue Ighodalo promises to bring. His visionary leadership and unwavering ded­ication to the state’s development position him as the leader who can truly unlock Edo’s immense potential and create a brighter future for all.

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