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Corona Devo 1528

sarahsundy04.blogspot.com 2024/5/20

Last night around midnight I heard some piercing sounds coming from the darkness outside our house.  Was that a hawk screeching?  It sounded so desperate.  But then there were more sounds...almost like barking, and then screeches, and growls and (animal) screams.  

Something was definitely "going down" in our woods, and it sounded ugly.  Awakened by the guttural clatter, my husband joined me at the upstairs bathroom window to peer out into the darkness and into the screeches.  There was an ambush going on, and some animal was getting raided.  My guess was a raccoon.

The sounds made my stomach clench and I wished they would cease.  

And then they did.  

We watched as (indeed) a puffy raccoon walked slowly (but surely) out of our backyard and onto our back patio.  He did not seem injured in the least, as he cautiously perused the perimeter and then disappeared into the flowerbed and darkness.


Don’t wait in ambush at the home of the godly, and don’t raid the house where the godly live.  (16) The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.  But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.  ~Proverbs 24:15-16


Have we been under attack lately?  

Has something, or someone, or the evil one... been digging their claws into our back and sinking their teeth into our vulnerable parts?  

We might not be audibly screeching, but...are we feeling desperate?  

Is something ugly definitely "going down" in our heart or life that we wish would cease?  

It will.  

...And we will get up again, just as we have seven (proverbial) other times when life has attacked us.  

We are the godly.

If we know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, then His righteousness is transferred to us, and we are the godly.

Don’t wait in ambush at the home of the godly, and don’t raid the house where the godly live.  ~Proverbs 24:15

Things might come at us...and they have...but we are under the protection of the King of Kings, and God's hope and resurrection power lives in us, His children.  We will have adversity and sometimes come under complete attack, but we will get up again in God's strength and protection.

 The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.  But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.  ~Proverbs 24:16


Today, I pray we can emerge from the firestorm and be released from the battle that has engaged us.

Will we have scars?  Probably, and most won't be visible.  But with God's help, may we saunter out slowly (but surely) and may we get up again today.  

Remember Whose we are today.  

And remember that because of Him, we are the godly.

Don’t wait in ambush at the home of the godly, and don’t raid the house where the godly live.  (16) The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.  But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.  ~Proverbs 24:15-16




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