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54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street

Boredpanda 1 day ago

It’s not unheard of for random people on the street to say something, well… random. And whether they’re striking a conversation about something so out of context, no one would be able to crack the code, or yelling out something so inexplicable, it ought to leave everyone around noticeably perplexed, such strangers can range from somewhat amusing to downright scary.

All sorts of one-sided conversations with strangers on the street were recently discussed by members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community, after the user ‘izzie4563’ started a thread about such encounters. Fellow redditors had plenty to share, so if you’re interested in reading their stories, scroll down to find their answers on the list below, and see just how weird and unexpected some exchanges can be.

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54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
Was walking my dog when a lady approached, leaned in close, and whispered, "They're listening through the trees," then just walked away like nothing happened. Haven't looked at an oak the same since.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
"I'm dressed as a human today." I kept on walking by, but faster! What the hell does that mean?!


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
Years ago a very, very drunk man unsteadily approached my friend and I in the street. He was squinting at his watch and closing one eye to try and read it. When he finally got to us he asked "Is it 10 in the morning or 10 at night?".


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street

In Long Beach, California when I was a teenager:
Old lady walking past: “Oh you must be a smart boy—your head’s so large you must have a lot of extra brains.”

I’m walking with a school friend down the street. A car stops in the middle of traffic and the driver, a middle aged woman, calls out, “Hey, are you two brothers?”
Both of us look at each other and wonder, even if we were, is she going home and announcing excitedly, “Hey I saw a coupla brothers today!”?


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
Crazy homeless lady came up to me and in a deep raspy voice said  "I've got bodies in my body".


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
I was walking home and this older woman was walking towards me, as she got closer, she started snorting and spat a loogie nearby. She then turned to face me and said "Here's a gift for you from the above". It was the most unexpected thing ever


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
A girl said to me very low "I found your wife cheating on you" I don't have a wife or girlfriend lol.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
Give me milk to drink.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
A guy offered me 100 for my socks. I remained sockless for the rest of the day.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
At a bus stop very early in the morning sitting next to a very old lady with—I s**t you not—a school clock hanging around her neck. She pointed it towards me and asked me what time it was.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
I want to lick your toes.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
I was trying to rush to class and a guy popped out from behind a pillar and told me that I look like a female Skrillex. I got the distinct impression he had been waiting for me.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
Once I was smoking a cigarette in a designated smoking area and some random lady came up to me screaming "HOW DARE YOU SMOKE THAT CIGARETTE IN FRONT OF ME DON'T YOU KNOW I'M A CANCER SURVIVOR".


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street

Homeless guy on a bike after almost running into me rounding a corner:

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
Dude walked up to me and my girlfriend and just yelled "NEW YORK CITY!!!!" then kept walking. We don't live in NYC nor did we have NY apparel on.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
Once had a stranger ask if I believed in time travel.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
“Do you do MMA? You just have the kind of face that looks like it could take a punch”. - guy making my sandwich at Subway.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
“I like your left foot”.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
I was walking my dogs, and this guy hesitantly passed us. Then he turned around and shouted, "YOUR DOGS ARE RACIST!" My dogs love everyone lol.


54 Of The Most Bizarre Things Strangers Have Said To People On The Street
A homeless person in Santa Barbara walked up to me and said " Christmas in July man!" But it was December 15th.


I was walking to my car and a guy stopped his weed wacker to say, "you look comfortable." Then winked at me.


Was getting fuel at a gas station. Guy proudly swaggers over to me and says, “I know you seen my blue truck.” There was no blue truck.


Many years ago. I was waiting in line at the grocery store. A attractive woman told me she was going to un-alive the Queen. I live in the Midwest USA.


Kneel before Zod…(I was wearing a Supes t-shirt).


What’s the frequency, Kenneth??


A few hours after the 2001 World Trade Center attacks: "Lovely day for the first day of the Apocalypse, isn't it?".


“Wanna muffin? Here, I promise I didn’t poison it.”.


Not to me but I saw a homeless person in the crosswalk walk directly up to this group of passing girls and burp in their face.


Do you want to see the elephants.

Someone said this to me in the mall. It took years to find out what tf they were talking about. I looked at them all confused and they walked away.

Later I found out they were trying to sell me acid. Oddly enough it was my exhusband as teenagers. I was talking about the odd time someone asked me about elephants at the mall and he started laughing. Not the only time we had run into each other when we were younger. Another time I was walking out of someone's house and we had a hey what's up moment and went about our business.


Lady started going off about how she’s working with the CIA doing deep undercover investigation on people who were gang stalking her.


Is your dog for sale? I’ll give you £50 right now. I said no. He increased the price. I said no again and then ran away. I was like 12.


I was wearing a T-shirt that said Ugly Kid on the front. And some middle aged fella stopped me and said - I bet you weren't an ugly kid 🤨.


I had a man come up to me and say “you smell like you’re on your period.” I was.


I was eating Ramen one night at 7-11 and some dude walked over to scratch a lottery ticket told me his a*s will get f****d tonight if he doesn’t get it right this time. Then he just walked away after.


"Are you interracial?" ... I look like Woody Allen and Carrot Top made a love child.


I was in an Argos once waiting in line and an old fella walks over to me and starts telling me how Putin isn’t as stupid as America thinks and something about Kissinger that I don’t actually remember, I just remember googling who Kissinger was after that day.

I live in Ireland and this was in 2019. There was no reason to bring this up.


I was smoking a cigarette outside of my first job when 2 guys walked by and asked if I wanted to be in a movie.

It wasn't until years later that I read between the lines on that one..

Mind you, I was 18 and caught off guard, but EW MAN WTF.


"Today, more adults were spanked than children"

I kept walking.


My husband had somebody asked him where he could get a labotomy when he was at the pharmacy. He said you need a doctor first.


"I have $55 and a bottle of rum, is that enough to rent you for an hour?" He was homeless...


Many years ago while waiting outside a restaurant in New York City with my husband, his sister, and her husband, this lady came up to me and said "I love your coat, where'd you get it?"

After I told her I got it from a thrift store, she started excitedly saying stuff like "I think that coat is designer, you could probably sell it for a lot of money, I'd love a coat like this" etc., and the whole time she was grabbing different parts of the coat and examining them like she was appraising it or whatever, and then she suddenly just quit and walked off without saying another word.

I'm pretty sure she was just trying to distract me while she looked for my purse or searched my pockets or something but the joke was on her because I wasn't carrying a purse and my husband had everything in his pockets so there was nothing to take lol.


Literally yesterday was with my bf looking at the tech gadgets in walmart and this dude comes up to us and asks us if we believe in God, and that we are God's representation of Adam and Eve on Earth made to God's likeness

he then went on a spiel while looking up bible verses on his phone until my bf and i politely interrupted him and walked away lmao.


"You look like Finch from American Pie if he was taller and on steriods".


Them: “Anyone ever told you that you look like Vin Diesel?”

Me: “No” (I do not look like Vin Diesel)

Them: “ Well, you don’t.”.


"I have some genuine Sasquatch leavings I'd like to sell to you!".


“I like your hair, can I have it?”.


I crossed paths with an older man in the grocery store and said "excuse me". He gave me a wild-eyed look and said "Caca!". I peaced out of there and went over to my husband. The word of the day after that was, of course, Caca!


“Good thing you’re wearing a mask, it’s important to protect your respiratories, they’re putting 5G towers in here soon and you’ll really need to be protecting your respiratories” from some lady smoking and walking her ancient beagle after I told her the dog was cute.


A homeless dude once called me a "police-a*s white boy" as I walked past him.


I had a guy come up and start rapping at me, he then tried to sell me a mix tape.


"My sister stole $17 million from me and hired six cops to kill me. The Aryan Brotherhood and MS-13 are protecting me until I can hire a lawyer to sue my sister and get the money back."

This woman had been sleeping in a doorway across from my previous place of employment for at least two years before she told me this, repeatedly refusing to stay in a shelter unless the temperature was below zero.


There was an injured pigeon on the floor and some woman came up to me and my mate and asked us to stamp on it to put it out of its misery (fyi we did not).


Not on the street but at work one time a patient pulled out a bobble head of Gandhi and when I asked him why he has that he said “I don’t know I’m just from California”.

“Hey baby are your toes painted”.

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