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Former Homeland Security Official Tells CNN ‘Political Violence Is Here and It’s Here to Stay’ After Immunity Ruling

mediaite.com 2 days ago

Donell Harvin, the former Washington D.C. chief of Homeland Security and Intelligence, told CNN on Monday that “political violence” is here to stay following the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity.

Harvin, who teaches at Georgetown, sounded alarms on the Supreme Court’s ruling, which provides absolute immunity for presidents for “official acts.” The ruling was a partial victory for former President Donald Trump and many critics are questioning how far the immunity can go in light of Justice Sonia Sotomayor suggesting in her dissenting opinion a president could kill rival political opponents and get away with it.

“[Trump] told us in 2016 — we should not take this for granted — that he can go on 5th Avenue and shoot someone and not lose any supporters. Well, now it looks like he can go on 5th Avenue and shoot someone and if it’s in an official capacity, not go to jail as well,” Harvin said.

MSNBC contributor and former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg was one of the legal analysts on Monday to push back on the idea that the ruling would cover political assassinations since those don’t fall under “core constitutional responsibilities.”

The ruling means a case involving Trump and his actions during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot won’t be going forward before November’s election, something that hugely benefits Trump, Harvin argued, by keeping that day’s events away from voters and allowing Trump to frame his own narrative.

Harvin claimed “violent, right-wing individuals” are showing support for the former president.

“He’s also getting a lot of support, and this is kind of my area, the Homeland Security sport online, from a lot of these violent, right-wing individuals, stating that he’s not only being persecuted, but he’s the one actually standing up for their rights,” he said.

The Homeland Security analyst claimed “political violence” is here to stay thanks to the ruling.

“Follow the tea leaves, political violence is here and it’s here to stay if this continues,” he said.

Watch above via CNN.

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