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91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Boredpanda 2024/10/5

Psychologist Dr. Christopher Peterson, who is the author of Pursuing the Good Life, says that a bucket list might help with goal setting but the drawback is that it also implies a "check off the boxes" approach to our time on Earth, which can lead to a superficial sense of fulfillment and distract from deeper, more meaningful experiences.

So let's take a look at a bucket list that is meant to not be completed. An anti-bucket list, if you will. A few days ago, Reddit user TheDeadYeti made a post on the platform, inviting everyone to share the things that they have tried and vowed to never do again. From chasing popularity to staying at hostels, here are the most upvoted entries to the discussion.

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91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Get pregnant.

Labor's not so bad, I can do that. It's the 9 months before and the 4 years after that I won't do again for love nor money.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Polyamory. I barely dipped my toe in and got burnt real bad. I'm good to not try that again.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
I once tried to impress a date by ordering the spiciest dish on the menu. I'll never again pretend my taste buds can handle what they clearly can't. Lesson learned: ghost peppers aren't a substitute for personality!


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Get married, third time won’t be the charm.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Swim in the Dead Sea. Don't do it, fam, it's not worth the risk of TOO MUCH SALT in any opening in your body. Scratched your arm too hard? SALT. Blinked at the moisture in the air? SALT. Spread your legs while having a p*ssy? GUESS, F*****G GUESS. Oh, and here's the fun part, once your tender bodily orifices start burning like the fires of hell from SALT, you *will* start thrashing around because AAAAAA GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT. And that *will* splash water everywhere, causing more tender bodily orifices to get tainted with SALT. By the time you make it back to shore everything will be on fire, and it will take a long, long time to wash all that SALT out. The Dead Sea: not even once.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Not taking care of my teeth.

Seriously guys, Brush Your F*****g Teeth.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
I will never have another wedding in my life. If my husband and I divorced, I’m positive I would stay single. I’m not expecting to divorce him. But if I did, I don’t ever want to try it again. One and done. If it doesn’t work with him, I won’t bother ever trying again.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Run a marathon. That was awful.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Spend time trying to get people to see why I'm worthwhile to be friends with.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Hostels! I'm very glad they exist as cheap options for young people, exactly how I experienced them, but I'm now happy to close that chapter of my life lol. Extra privacy, extra cleanliness, and extra comfort are vastly more worth it to me now and fortunately I can afford that!


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Cave crawling. I've done walking cave tours since this story I'm gonna tell, no problem. What I'm talking about is laying on my stomach and sliding through gaps in caves that look too small for a house cat to slip through. The one that made me reconsider caving as a hobby was a professional cave club tour, but not one advertised to the public because it was so demanding and specialized. I felt really comfortable with the two leads despite some minor claustrophobia because they were highly recommended by the club. I had little pings of fear here and there but the leaders were so comforting that it was adding to the experience rather than taking away from it.

We were probably a quarter mile crawl (no place to even fully get on your hands and knees let alone stand and stretch) one group leader in front and one in back to insure our group was sandwiched by experienced guys. Anyway, the leader was in front of me, two of my group behind me then the 2nd leader. The guy behind me got legitimately stuck and started grabbing and scratching at my legs and feet which sent me into a full blown panic, the third guy got kicked in the nose and lip which pissed him off and caused him try to leave, but this is literally a perfect human sized tunnel so no one could urn around, plus the 2nd leader was behind him blocking him in, causing him to freak out as well. After a solid ten minutes of yelling and kicking at each other, the leaders got us to quiet down enough so they could make a plan. I crawled ahead another 200 feet or so with the 1st lead to a wider gap where we could both get on our hands and knees and turn around, ten minutes ago this big gap would've been a god send, in that moment though I was so panicked it didn't matter, I might as well have been buried alive. Anyway, the lead left me and crawled back to help pull the stuck guy through, but couldn't because he was just too big. The two guys in the back had to crawl all the way out, sliding backwards since they couldn't turn around head first, then the 2nd leader crawled all the way back to pull the stuck guy out. Obviously I immediately agreed to leave when I was told the guys were pulling out and silently cried all the way back.

I have never been so genuinely terrified in my life, it's an indescribable feeling. Imagine every drop of adrenaline your body can produce being pumped through you but not being able to crawl more than four or five feet per minute, soaking wet, covered in stinky mud, freezing cold yet sweat is burning your eyes but your arms are stretched out so far forward so you can only use your dirty finger tips to swipe it away. It was like one of those nightmares where you're trying to run and scream but your legs don't work and your scream for help comes out silent.

I'm glad I did something that scared me that deeply though I'm not sure why lol. It was just a little too close to a real disaster for me. I'll base jump in a squirrel suit before I cave crawl like that again.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Giant swing.

One I went on was 200+ft high when we pulled the quick release to drop. Thought since I love rollercoasters and thrill rides I’d enjoy it.

I did not like freefalling while parallel to the ground. At all. Only time I’ve let out a blood curdling scream of pure terror.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Dating a woman who says she loves you 4 days into the relationship. To any guy or girl reading this, please use it as a warning. The only thing that’ll come out of a relationship like that is trouble.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Drinking. Honestly life is funner without the alcohol involved, and it's not fun as you get older.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Attend a massive event. I was at Obama's inauguration in 2008, I went to college nearby and thought it would be cool to be a part of. It was freezing cold, and many people weren't ready for that. I was, but I wasn't ready for the realities of 2.5 million people descending on a city with a population of 600k. No food, no water, no restrooms, no shelter, no room to move at all, nowhere to sit down after hours on end of standing and walking. Trash everywhere, subway stations were a claustrophobic's nightmare, people were fainting from dehydration. I ended up walking over 4 miles over the Potomac to Virginia to catch a train home. Ended up being an exhausting 12 hour day. It's cool to say I was there but I'll never put myself in a crowd that size again.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Get wasted before a flight.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Mardi Gras and the Kentucky Derby. Everyone should do them once but if you do them more than once something is wrong with you.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Go to disney - OMG what a waste of time and money.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Vacations in public places.

I've had it with lame touristy places and crowds. It seems like a waste of money to go somewhere with the intention of R&R, but instead you have to deal with annoying people, screaming kids, traffic, basically everything I can get for free at home.

From now on, it'll be remote places, cabin in the woods, or staycations.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Never again will I date someone with narcissistic personality traits/cluster B disorder. You can’t help them. The chronic of the disorder makes them beyond repair from my experience, no matter how much they work on their symptoms? A narc will always be a narc.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Attempting to catch escaping Goslings. They have a lovely nest in a large pen with Momma but so far they’ve escaped and got stuck somewhere else 4 times. 4 times today and it’s only 1pm.

Every rescue risks genuine injury from Mum who despite me returning her babies every time and then feeding/watering the family - still tries to kill me for helping.

F*cking Geese Man.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Get a puppy. I love this little demon but I’m not doing this again. I’ll adopt some 7 year old lazy mutt.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Go to Vegas. The disconnect between the lights and flashiness and the poor and homeless begging was unsettling. Plus it's way too hot there for me.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Hopefully chemotherapy.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

I live in LA so I have routine access to Universal, Disney, Six Flags, Knotts, etc.

I will never go to a park in the summer.

It's 100F. Kids aren't in school so it's packed. You stand in the sun for hours for a 30 second ride.

My dad is coming this weekend and wanted to go to Disney. I flat out refused. We'll go in November.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Assume that every co worker is a friend.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Never again will I attempt to cook a gourmet meal while simultaneously trying to entertain guests and keep my cat from jumping on the kitchen counter. It was a chaotic disaster that ended with burnt food, a stressed-out chef (me), and one very mischievous cat who got a taste of marinara sauce and decided to redecorate the living room.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do

Jet skiing.

My brother refused to slow down. My ankles, knees, hips and back were so f****d up from all the bouncing that when we stopped at a beach I couldn’t walk.

The jet ski was extremely bouncy, and we hit a particularly bad patch of water. We jumped and slammed back down and my head flew forward and my chin hit his back. I legitimately felt my brain rattle.

Two weeks later I was diagnosed with PCS after having nonstop migraines, throwing up, extreme lethargy and what I can only describe as disassociation.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
Will not date a preacher’s daughter.


91 People Share The ‘Anti-Bucket List’ Things They Refuse To Do
I will never trust a car seller at their word again, regardless of if they are somebody I know. Many many years ago, I was burned by an acquaintance selling a Jeep. I will also never buy a Jeep again.


Intentionally acting stupid and immature. It was a habit rooted in deep insecurities (still have them), but now I am trying to actually act my age and finding true friends. For the first time in years I have an actual friend group and it feels great. 


Accidentally eat poorly cooked chicken teriyaki in a strange city far from home the night before an early flight.


Climb Notre Dame - f**k that staircase getting smaller and smaller as you go up. Alice in wonderland awfulness.


New York City on New Years Eve.


Scuba-diving. triggered my claustrophobia for some reason.


SKydiving. Tried it once, and the thrill didn't quite outweigh the terror. Good for one time only for me.


Cliff jumping,i had testicle and perineum pain for days, and yes i tried to close my legs and clench my butt.

Edibles, one time was enough for me.

Long crowded concerts, not because i didnt enjoy it, but i had the urgent need take a s**t in the middle of it, yeah no thanks.


Bungee jumping, was on my bucket list so I did it and hated every second of it.

Sky diving was fun and oddly not the least bit scary for me yet bungee jumping absolutely terrified me when I got there to do it.


Drink and drive.

I never hurt anyone, but there is a clear distinction between the level of care sober you has versus non sober you. 2 of my cars totalled because of it, nearly in the exact same way. I was never beligerent, but intox'd enough to be easily distracted by music or my phone or just f****n pretty colors passing by.

Thankful I never hit people, and I am so f*****g done being stupid. Now I just stay home and play Gran Turismo 7 VR and get absolutely shloshed lol.


Doing anything before stretching… I’m 33.


Snorkeling. That actually sucked. Turns out I prefer to breathe with my head above water.


Dating apps. Absolutely not worth the stress.


Get another craniotomy. It's not worth the risk of what I'll lose, and I don't care that it could kill me if I don't. Death is better than what I faced that day.


Buy a place with an HOA .. if I do that again. Someone kick me. Hard.
It wouldn't so bad if they weren't such *a*s-douches*.


Giving birth - did it 2 times. 10+ lb baby each time (that came into the world the usual way). I'm TOTALLY done! :-)

Thrilled with the results, but NEVER want to give birth again!

Hats off to surrogate mothers. A million dollars wouldn't be nearly enough for me to be pregnant and give birth again.


Be a bridesmaid. It was nice for the experience but I had known the woman for less than a year. Way too much drama for my liking. Never again.


A cruise. Average to below average food, watered down drinks, claustrophobic on the ship, contributing to an ecological nightmare, crammed in a boat with hundreds if not thousands of other people, stressful suboptimal excursions...an overall expensive nightmare I have no desire to ever repeat.


Outdoor music festivals where you camp. My husband and I went to Sweetwater in Atlanta 2 years ago (when it was still cool) and it ruined other fests for me. We got to go see music all day long, then go back to the hotel and shower and actually SLEEP at the end of the day. I didn't realize how old I had become until I vowed to never sleep on the ground in the mud in a tent again.


Getting high on cough syrup. Felt like I was dying.


Driving 17 hours straight to Orlando, and having to drive the I-4 on 2 hours of sleep.


Get into a committed relationship.

Now, bear in mind I'm married, but if it were to ever end for some reason, I wouldn't seek out commitment anymore.


Do a PhD…. f*****g hell! 🥴.


Being caring towards anyone and everyone. I was a huge people pleaser growing up. I let people who were clearly a******s walk all over me. I learned my lesson. A lot of people out there can and will screw you over. Don’t care if it’s life or death. They can get f****d. This isn’t some b******t fairytale where the person you save or help comes to a realization and you become friends. Fool me once shame on you. I’ll stick towards helping decent folk and the people I’m close to.


Tubing down a river in the south. Too many snakes 🐍 😱.


Build a paver patio.

I don't think these old knees would put up with it a second time.


Buy a used BMW. Can't afford to keep it running. I've calculated that it has cost me just under 50 cents per mile in repairs alone.


Ice skating!

Had some jerk clock me and broke my bones.


Roller skating. Did it once when I was 12, fell on my a*s, and never wanted to do it again. I just don't have the balance.


Gum transplant. Use electric toothbrushes people and don't scrub too hard.


Go sailing with an overconfident lesbian.


Live with someone.

Dogs, cats, reptiles, rodents? Hell yes. All fine.

A human being? No f*****g thanks.


Went to an Adele concert. Her singing is great, but it sounded exactly like her recorded songs so why bother.


Buying a house without an inspection by each trade. F**k home inspectors f*****g scam artists in collusion with realtors. 55 year old cast iron turning to tissue paper and a slab missing rebar.


Eat homemade pizza at the Indian non-711 convenience store.


Rock climbing. I tried it a couple of times just to say I did it. I'm still not good with heights, and it's not for me.


Travel, I am content to watch Rick Steves video and such videos on YouTube.
I am crippled with Arthritis and would no be comfortable sitting in a place for hours, then be miserable bringing all around down.


Shoot high semi auto, high powered guns. Did it while in the US and I can honestly say it now holds zero attraction for me. Loud and violent.

I'd happily do some target shooting with some lower powered rifles though. That's kinda fun.


I wouldn't exactly call it bucket list item, but a few months ago I had a Carolina Reaper burger. I had to sign a waiver to purchase it. It came with gloves...

...I'm sure you can see where this is going...

I will say that the experience of eating the burger itself was pretty good. I enjoyed the taste, but man it was by far the hottest thing I have ever eaten...

...The stomach cramps started about 20 minutes after I finished...

...they didn't stop for about 30 hours.

No need to call me a dumbass, or ask me what I was thinking. I doubt you could say anything to me that is nastier than what my family said over the next week.

I can still eat really hot food, but the craving isn't there anymore.


Date a man that follows Andrew Tate and his comrades in misogyny. The men's rights online coalition and ideology is a problem for all genders.


Going to Egypt in August.


Sit down with a bunch of fortune tellers out of curiosity. I got robbed.


Whitewater Rafting. It looked like a rollercoaster on water. I love rollercoasters and I love water, win/win. Except it's nothing but trying not to get tossed from a boat so you don't end up hitting your head on a rock or stuck underwater and drowning while your rafting guide tells you about every person who has died in the rapid you're about to enter. Nope, never again. 0/10.


Have sex with someone I just met.


Going to a dance club ever again. I went a few times when I was young. It was fun enough at the time, but it's nowhere I'd ever want to be nowadays.


A dolphin tour. Dolphins are weird and all I could think about was how much pollution all those boats were putting in the water.


Spelunking. In college my friends and I went to explore a nearby cave. You had to squeeze over a boulder and contort into a little opening to enter and then descend down into the cave. We got down to a largish room and took a break. There was a path to go further but I said I would just wait for them to come back. They went on - with the flashlights - and I stayed put in total and complete darkness. I don't know how long I waited, but when I began to hear their voices and see glimmers of light return I was beyond relieved. When we got out of the cave we all were muddy and sweaty and I knew I would never do anything like that again.


I went on a guided night hike in Costa Rica. I love the outdoors but f******ck the rainforest at night.


Everclear. Once was enough forever.


Many years ago, I went to this place that sells Christmas trees. It’s like a tourist trap kinda place where they’ve got bon fires, $9 hot apple cider, s**t for kids to do.

Anyway, I went with an ex twice, both times it always ended in a fight. I loath this place, not because of her, but every time it’s raining and I’ve gotta be the absolute sucker to cut down the stupid god damn tree with a dull saw someone had in their garage for the last twenty years, and get soaked to the bone struggling to cut down a $90 spruce that someone’s going to watch die in their living room.

Anyway, I am now with an absolutely lovely person who has kids, and she pulled a prank on me that we were going. I kinda had a melt down. I hate Christmas.


Broke my ankle last month. No thanks.


Work in a call center.


Ride a bike during a semi storm. I did it twice and no more heavens oh god.


Getting my wisdom teeth removed. Sadly the doctor only removed two because it was all I needed at the time, so if those other two f*****s show up I am going to be suffering.


Go golfing with my FiL. I hadn't picked up a club outside of a minigolf course in 20 years at that point and I found out the hard way that he's ultra-competitive. Made for an absolutely miserable experience.


Shoplift. As much as I hate capitalism and hate what multi billion dollar corporations are doing to their employees and our world, shoplifting is not the answer. All it does is hurt you and the people who love you. Nope, I’m out.

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