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UN Expert Warns of Threats to Freedom of Assembly and Association, Calls for Urgent Action

devdiscourse.com 4 days ago

Romero was presenting the final thematic report prepared by her predecessor, Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, at the 56th session of the Human Rights Council.

UN Expert Warns of Threats to Freedom of Assembly and Association, Calls for Urgent Action
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The rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association are seriously threatened today, and urgent action is needed to push back and preserve them, stated a UN Special Rapporteur.

“We are witnessing widespread, systematic, and intensive attacks against these rights and civic space broadly, as authoritarianism, populism, and anti-rights narratives are increasing,” said Gina Romero, the newly appointed Special Rapporteur on the rights to peaceful assembly and association.

Romero was presenting the final thematic report prepared by her predecessor, Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, at the 56th session of the Human Rights Council.

The report outlines how governments have instrumentalized the adoption and implementation of laws, including so-called “foreign agents” laws, to suppress the legitimate exercise of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. This suppression has been accompanied by intense stigmatizing campaigns aimed at silencing dissent, civil society, unions, and civic activism, including citizens' organization and participation in peaceful protests.

“As people around the world increasingly exercise these rights to protect their freedoms, resist autocracy, repression, and discrimination, build peace and democratic governance institutions, advocate for climate justice, and express solidarity with those suffering, we witness governments finding innovative ways to silence them and crush these rights,” Romero said.

The spread of armed conflicts, severe environmental crises, undermined electoral processes marred by populism and disinformation, and emerging and unregulated digital technologies exacerbate the threat to the enjoyment of these rights.

“This report is a wake-up call for collective action to protect democracy and our collective values, and the enjoyment of all human rights and freedoms. Enabling civic space, hearing, and protecting activists is fundamental to foster civil society contributions for tackling today’s pressing issues,” Romero emphasized.

“I join the report’s call for a global renewed commitment to these rights. Through the establishment of this mandate 14 years ago, the Human Rights Council reiterated its commitment to protecting these fundamental freedoms, and it is urgent today that the Council reinforce the mandate’s capacity to continue effectively protecting these rights, especially in the emerging crises.”

The Special Rapporteur also presented reports on the official country visits to Peru in May 2023 and to Algeria in September 2023, conducted by her predecessor Voule.

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