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Muoka dedicates Chosen’s charity branch, enjoins worshippers to keep God’s house pure

Guardian Nigeria 3 days ago

As part of plans for the prospect 10-Billion-Soul Mandate of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, the General Overseer of the church, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, last Sunday, dedicated a branch of the church located on Ajenifuja Street, Orile, Oshodi, Lagos, and christened it Charity parish.

Dedicating the church, Pastor Muoka said: “I declare this place of worship open spiritually and physically in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.”

The electrifying presence of the pastor provoked thunderous applause from over the 6,000 worshippers that attended the dedication service.
In his prayer, Muoka beseeched God to answer the prayers of everyone that will come into the auditorium to worship and present their requests before God.

“Father we dedicate this building wholly unto you. Daddy, we hand it over to you, and pray that you take control and I decree that from this day this house is dedicated to you. Daddy, I decree that whosoever that will enter this place to pray, to worship or call upon your name let them receive solution, whether service is in session or not, Daddy you are a God that answers prayers and with you all things are possible. Let your presence be upon this place, let your eyes be upon this place. Let your power rest upon this place and let your angels take charge. Whosoever shall step in here, Daddy bless them and let them receive divine touch, divine ministration and let unusual miracles, signs and wonders be the portion of everyone in Jesus’ name,” he said.

He prayed profusely for all those who were instrumental to the success of the project and urged the worshippers to keep the house of God holy and pure.

Quoting 2 Chronicles 6:1, the general overseer recounted the story of Solomon in the Bible and how he built God’s house, dedicated it to God and the people celebrated the project, same way, members are celebrating Charity Branch in 2B, Ajenifuja Street, Orile, Oshodi, Lagos.

Muoka said: “I want to let you know that this project is completed and it is a privilege to build for God. I also want to let you know that God has counted you worthy and will bless you for building this place of worship. Today, every prayer I shall make for you here must hold.”
The event featured praises, worship songs, words of exhortation and testimonies.

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