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'Nurse spelt my daughter's name wrong – 12 years later and it still bothers me'

Mirror Online 2 days ago

A woman is still reeling 12 years later after a nurse spelled her daughter's name wrong. However, the mum has been slammed for leaving the error and not acting 'immediately' to fix it

Young expectant mother with letter blocks spelling name on her pregnant belly
The mum isn't happy about the mistake (stock photo)

An innocent typo has haunted one mother for over a decade.

Naming your baby can be an arduous task, one which could take hours and hours of going back and forth with your partner. Do you stay traditional and name them after your grandparents, or try something new and creative like all the celebs are doing (X Æ A-Xii has a nice ring to it, right?) But once you've found the perfect moniker, you can't picture them being called anything else.

However, when one couple set their hearts on the name 'Elanor' for their daughter - a nurse's imaginative spelling threw the whole thing into chaos.

Taking to Reddit, the anonymous parent says her daughter's middle name is 'Ellanore'. She claims she didn't 'intentionally spell it wrong' but was too exhausted after giving birth that her now-ex-partner and the nurse filled out the necessary paperwork.

"I remember my partner saying 'Eleanor, how do you spell that again?' and the nurse replied with 'I've got it," the post reads. "She did not have it. Her first name is sort of unique but at least it's spelled correctly," the post reads. "It has bothered me ever since but her other parent said from the beginning that they like it that way. She's now 12."

The mum added she hasn't changed the spelling because her partner at the time 'liked it like that' - but they have since separated. "While I accept that it’s a tragediegh, she doesn’t mind the spelling. It does still bother me though," she added.

Hundreds of users flocked to the comments section to share their thoughts, with many blasting the nurse's error. "That would make me furious!" one person fumed.

Another agreed, commenting: "I would have changed it as soon as I found out how they'd spelt it. At this stage, I wouldn't bother unless your daughter wants it changed." A third added: "Why did you leave it like that for 12 years? You could have changed it immediately."

However, others said the spelling wasn't that bad - and if anything - provides a 'funny background story'. "I don't think Ellanore is terrible," one user wrote. "It's an unconventional spelling, but it doesn't strike me as tragic, exactly." Another agreed, adding: "It's a misspelling, but I've seen worse. Not the end of the world."

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