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FUOYE Council Chair Demands Action To Stop Killings In Ado-Ekiti

The Whistler 5 days ago

The chairman of the Governing Council of Federal University of Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE), Mr. Kayode Ojo, has called on security operatives to tackle the recent spate of killings in Ado-Ekiti, the capital of Ekiti State.

Over the past week, at least four individuals have been gunned down in separate incidents across the city.

On Tuesday, a ticket fee collector for the Commercial Motorcycle Riders Association was reportedly shot dead in the Oke-Isa area.

Thursday saw three more killings. A Point of Sale (PoS) operator, Alfa Taifeek, was murdered; a rice hawker was killed at Oja Bisi; and another PoS operator was gunned down in Idemo. In each case, the assailants reportedly fled with money and valuables.

In a statement released on Saturday, Ojo condemned the rising insecurity and killings, describing them as “senseless, cruel, and barbaric.”

He urged law enforcement agencies to intensify efforts to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

“This despicable act must be condemned by all right-thinking Nigerians, not only Ekiti residents.

”No doubt, the few criminals in our society are looking for opportunities to discourage or create fear in the minds of the people in the state so that evils can flourish. We must not allow this.

“We must not allow evils to flourish in the society and security agencies must be alive to their responsibilities by exposing criminals from within.

“Let the community fish out the criminals who carried out these dastardly act and hand them over to security agencies.

“The killers are human beings, who are supposed to be traceable. They are not spirit, hence, all efforts should be made by all who are supposed to do the needful,” he said.

He called for holistic measures to put the barbaric acts under check before the situation degenerates.

“There is need for all security agencies to work together as a team to form a formidable body to put an end to the ugly development in the state.

“The security agencies in the state should come together to work out a more professional modality to put an immediate halt to it.

“The police and other relevant security agencies must work together to bring the culprits to book to serve asa deterrent to others,” he added.

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