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Edo Guber: Why Obaseki May Cause PDP’s Loss – Party Chieftains

Independent 2024/6/26

ABUJA  – Ahead of the Septem­ber 21, 2024, Edo State governorship election, some chief­tains of the Peoples Demo­cratic Party have identified Governor Godwin Obaseki’s handling of party affairs as a critical factor that may cost the ruling party victory at the poll.

Recall that Obaseki’s pref­erence of Asue Ighodalo as the PDP flag bearer in the governorship election pitched him against party chieftains, including Mr Philip Shaibu, the immediate past Deputy Governor of the State who was impeached in April 2024.

In the past few weeks, a legion of party faithful left the party, citing the power tussle between the governor and founding members of the PDP in the state, particularly, the National Vice Chairman (South-South), Mr Dan Orbih.

A PDP leader in Ward 8, Owan East Local Government of Edo State, Tony Ebofuai while leaving the party a fort­night ago fingered Obaseki’s conduct as the reason for his decision to quit.

He said, “I have worked for PDP as I would have my work done but in all, there is nothing to show for it. It is just a ‘mon­key dey work, baboon dey chop.’ PDP does not reward hard work considering my sacrifice to see that Obaseki became governor. The first attack we got was on our leader and members of the Legacy Group.”

On his part, a party lead­er in Etsako East Local Gov­ernment Area of Edo State, Lucky Egbunue who has since quit the PDP blamed the governor’s ‘undemocratic’ handling of state party affairs since his assumption of office for dumping the party.

“My decision for this move (resignation from PDP) is based on the governor’s un­democratic ways of gover­nance since his assumption into office. He has been disuni­ty by fighting stakeholders. Another reason is his unful­filled promises to the people. All these characteristics will hinder any political party from victory at the polls,’ Eg­bunue said.

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