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'Space Cadet' Review: Emma Roberts is the only saving grace in this lackluster comedy flick

meaww.com 1 day ago

Directed and written by Liz W Garcia, 'Space Cadet' tells the story of Rex, a spirited young woman who joins NASA's space program

Emma Roberts delivers an outstanding performance in 'Space Cadet' (@primevideo)
Emma Roberts delivers an outstanding performance in 'Space Cadet' (@primevideo)

Contains spoilers for 'Space Cadet' 

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Space Cadet' has officially dropped on Amazon Prime Video, featuring captivating performances by Emma Roberts and Poppy Liu.

In this film, Tiffany 'Rex' Simpson (Emma Roberts) stands out as a determined protagonist, known for her quirky charm and inventive mind. A bartender by profession, Rex creates gadgets that often seem useless. Driven by her disappointment in career achievements and frustration with peers who fail to recognize her talent, Rex views NASA as the logical next step in her career.

The plot of the film is whimsical and upbeat. Rex, despite lacking any qualifications, secures a position at NASA with the help of her best friend Nadine (Poppy Liu). Rex's frequent giggling and unconventional wardrobe choices make her an improbable candidate for NASA's rigorous selection process.

Emma has poured her talent and dedication into portraying the character of Rex. Despite the potentially irritating nature of Rex, Emma has delivered a brilliant performance, showcasing her acting prowess and ability to bring depth to her role.

However, certain aspects of the film lack humor or fail to deliver on comedic expectations. Some scenes that aim for laughs instead come off as unfunny, which detracts from the overall entertainment value.

Emma Roberts brings quirky charm to 'Space Cadet'

Emma Roberts in a still from 'Space Cadet' (@primevideo)
Emma Roberts as Tiffany 'Rex' Simpson in a still from 'Space Cadet' (@primevideo)

In 'Space Cadet,' Emma delivers a standout performance as Tiffany 'Rex' Simpson, infusing the character with quirky charm and vibrant energy.

Rex’s ideas are always celebrated and encouraged by her best friend Nadine. The film definitely highlights the strong bond of girl friendship. Nadine's faith in Rex's potential, despite her unorthodox methods and lack of formal qualifications, highlights the strength of their friendship.

Emma brings Rex to life with a mix of playful banter and genuine affection, particularly in her interactions with her best friend Nadine. Rex's journey is driven by her desire to break free from the mundane and find her true calling. Emma adeptly captures Rex's inner turmoil as she navigates the unconventional path towards working with NASA. 

Emma's acting is totally natural as it never feels forced throughout the film. Her acting allowed viewers to easily understand Rex's character and relate to her journey.

The movie follows Rex's unconventional journey to NASA, clad in a crop top that raises eyebrows among the more serious-minded. In these scenes, Emma's acting truly shines. 

Emma gives her best effort in the film, but the screenplay often leans towards mimicking comedy rather than delivering it effectively. If the screenplay and writing were stronger, Emma could have showcased even greater potential in her performance. Nevertheless, her contribution has undoubtedly elevated the film.

'Space Cadet' fails to land humorous punches

Emma Roberts as Tiffany 'Rex' Simpson in a still from 'Space Cadet' (@primevideo)
Emma Roberts as Tiffany 'Rex' Simpson in a still from 'Space Cadet' (@primevideo)

'Space Cadet' is filled with forced and unfunny jokes that often feel tired and uninspired. The Prime Video film, despite attempts to inject humor, leave viewers feeling disconnected from the humor. 

The playful banter between Rex and Nadine stands out as a genuine source of humor amidst an otherwise lackluster comedic atmosphere. Their interactions are infused with natural chemistry and witty exchanges that bring moments of levity to the film. However, beyond that, the humor falls flat.

It's safe to say Poppy and Emma are the only ones who made people laugh. Her comedic timing and delivery stand out throughout the film. The film falters in its comedic aspirations due to the writing part that falls short in delivering genuine humor. Despite being categorized as a comedy film, it consistently misses the mark with its comedic content. 

Poppy Liu as Nadine in a still from 'Space Cadet' (@primevideo)
Poppy Liu as Nadine in a still from 'Space Cadet' (@primevideo)

The screenplay lacks the wit and sharpness needed to elicit laughter, relying instead on unfunny jokes and situations that feel predictable.

Overall, 'Space Cadet' is a one-time watch film as it fails to leave a lasting impression due to its shallow plot and lack of depth in character development. 

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