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TUCAC Set For Change As Ojaoba Steps Into Odufale’s Shoes

Independent 2 days ago

LAGOS – The Universal Commu­nion of African Church is set to inaugurate its 12th President and other executive officers of the body.

The Communion is made up of The First African Church Mission (TFACM); The Afri­can Church (TAC); The African Episcopal Church of Nigeria (TAECN) and the United African Methodist Church (UAMC).

According to the General Sec­retary of the body, Venerable Ola­wale Awoyemi, the Inauguration service of the 12th President, His Eminence, Joseph Adedayo Ojao­ba, and other officers of the Com­munion, will hold at the United African Methodist Church Ca­thedral, Ebute-Meta, on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 by 12.noon.

Awoyemi informed that the election of the new executives was held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at The African Church, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Ilupeju, Lagos.

The new officers, according to Ven. Awoyemi, were elected for the Administrative year 2024 to 2027.

The officers are His Eminence, Joseph Adedayo Ojaoba, (UAMC) – President; Venerable Olawale Awoyemi (TAC) – General Secre­tary; Bro. Soji Akapo (UAMC) – Asst Gen Secretary; Dame J. A. Akintola (TFACM) – Treasurer.

Others are Venerable J.D. Obadara (TAECN) – Financial Secretary; Barr. Oluremi Soetan (TAC) – Legal Adviser; Bro. Olu­watosin Stowe (TFACM) – Public Relations Officer; Bro. Kayode Ogunbiyi (TAC) and Rev. Joseph Ogunjobi (UAMC) as Joint Au­ditors and Sis. Olubunmi Ojo (UAMC) as Welfare Officer, while heads of the three other denomi­nations are the Vice Presidents.

They are His Eminence, Dr. Emmanuel Olubunmi Odufale (TAECN); His Eminence, Dr. Sunday Oludare Matilukuro (TFACM) and His Eminence, Dr. Julius Olayinka Abbe (TAC).

According to Ven. Awoyemi, the day promises to be a great day as it tends to go down in the history of the Communion.

“It is once in a lifetime. It is going to be a great day and we are all looking forward to the day as it tends to be glamorous,” Ven. Awoyemi said.

Meanwhile, the hosting de­nomination, the UAMC, has put in place plans for a successful or­ganisation of the inauguration service.

Already, a five-man Planning Committee has been put in place by the leadership of the Church towards a successful hosting.

The Committee comprises of Barr. Shade Akapo (Chairman); Rt. Rev. Rene Awumenu; Rt. Rev. Moses Toyi; Sis. Olubunmi Dosunmu and Bro. Ayo Bada (Secretary).

According to the chairman of the Planning Committee, Barr. Shade Akapo, all hands are on deck for the organisation of the event.

“As I am speaking with you, we are on top of organising a be­fitting event that will linger on in the hearts of every members of the Communion in particular and Christians in general.

“The UAMC is a unique organ­isation that is synonymous with excellence and the hosting of the inauguration service for the 12th President of the Communion and other officers will not be an ex­ception,” he said.

According to him, despite the day being a working day, the Committee has put up measures to ensure that members of the UAMC, especially from the La­gos Diocese, would attend the service.

Akapo informed that the Ex­ecutive Secretary of the Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission, The Rt Rev. Dr. Stephen Tunde Adegbite, will be the Special Guest of the day.

“We are also expecting all the Lay Presidents of the four de­nominations that made up the Communion and executives of the denominations in attendance.

“For instance, the Lay Pres­ident of the UAMC, Barr. Dapo Ogunlewe, will read the Bible lesson from the Old Testament, while the Lay President of TAC, Engr. Babatunde Odufuwa, will read the Bible lesson from the New Testament.

“The Primate of TAC, His Eminence Dr. Sunday Oludare Matilukuro, who is also the Vice President of the Christian Coun­cil of Nigeria (CCN), will give the sermon of the day,” said Akapo.

Among other dignitaries ex­pected to grace the event is the Chairman of the Board of Reg­istered Trustee of the UAMC, Dr. Akinola Ajose Ogunlewe, who was also a former Lay President of the UAMC Organisation.

A member of the Board of Registered Trustee of UAMC, Hon. Sesan Olanrewaju, in a chat with Sunday Independent, said the coming of the new ex­ecutives of the Communion is a new era in the history of the Communion.

“We are opening a new chap­ter in the history of the Com­munion. The past leadership of the Communion has done tremendously well and we are living witnesses to that fact, but the coming on board of the new leadership of Communion will be a turning point for the Com­munion.

“The new president is a vi­brant and hardworking man of God who is ready to carry every­body along in the discharge of his duties to God and humanity.

“We are happy that after a long time, the presidency of the Communion is returning to the UAMC under our Pri­mate, His Eminence Joseph Adedayo Ojaoba (JP),” said Olanrewaju.

The incoming President, His Eminence Joseph Adedayo Ojao­ba (JP), in his acceptance speech, had said that he would discharge his duties with the fear of God.

He said: “Together, we stand at the threshold of a new era filled with boundless possibil­ities and opportunities to fur­ther our shared mis¬sion of service, faith, and unity across the African continent and be­yond.

According to him, the task ahead is challenging, but he is equal to the task.

“I am acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead, but I am equally steadfast in my com­mitment to navigating these wa­ters with grace, integrity, and a deep sense of purpose.

“Together, we shall chart a course that upholds the values of inclusivity, compassion, and justice that are at the heart of our faith.

“Furthermore, I pledge to fos­ter an environment of collabo­ration and dialogue, where each voice is heard and respected.

“Our Communion is strength­ened by the unique contributions of its members and it is only through our collective efforts that we can truly realise our shared vision for a brighter fu­ture,” he said.

He, therefore, called on mem­bers of the body to move closer to God and do His teachings as stated in the Holy Bible.

“As we look into the future, let us draw inspiration from the teachings of Christ and the timeless wisdom of our African heritage.

“Let us strive to be beacons of hope and agents of positive change in our communities, uplifting the marginalised, and championing the cause of peace and reconciliation.

He expressed appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to his prede­cessors, whose tireless dedica­tion has paved the way for this momentous occasion.

“I am deeply honoured to fol­low in their footsteps and carry forward the torch of leadership with unwavering commitment and humility.

“Together, let us embark on this journey with courage, faith, and unwavering determination. May the grace of God guide our steps and bless our endeavours as we strive to fulfill our sacred calling,” he concluded.

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