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Am I enough?

Businessday 2 days ago

In her life, Michelle Obama has achieved so many milestones that it is perplexing to think how someone as successful as her would doubt her abilities and her self-worth. Many would say that it is because of the Imposter Syndrome. But her self-doubt was most likely because of the circumstances that she was born into- a woman of color whose family had little means when she was still a child.

Michelle Obama had humble beginnings. Her family had very little and because of the color of her skin, she and her family both witnessed and experienced racist attacks. Yet, despite being exposed to such cruelties, she manages to overcome them. Imparting to her readers that your circumstances do not define you because it is possible to rise above these difficulties and make a better life for yourself through the help of the holy spirit. Most importantly, it shows readers through her life and experiences that as a person, you are enough. Despite what the world may say.

The book gives you a glimpse of who Michelle Obama is as a person. As you progress through the story of her life readers observe that she is an intelligent and ambitious young woman who has a very strong personality. Her candor was refreshing because she did not hold back in expressing her opinions on topics that were close to her heart. Though she has a strong personality which is reflected in the tone of the book, Michelle’s honesty acted as a counterbalance because it made her relatable. Instead of portraying herself as an indomitable woman, she reveals her weaknesses to her readers by sharing her insecurities and challenges. The words were written in such a relatable voice.

Though the book centres around Michelle Obama (It is her biography) I also admired her parents and the way that they raised her. They encouraged her to be strong, brave, and smart. In many scenes of the book, you can observe that they never dampened her strong personality or tried to drown her voice, instead they nurtured it. In many ways, the love and guidance they provided Michelle served to shield her from their circumstances. Michelle’s supportive parents and close bond with her family were like a protective shield that prevented her from becoming too affected by her current situation when she was still a child. Eventually allowing her to rise above her circumstances.

Earlier in my review, I mentioned that Michelle Obama’s story is a rags-to-riches story. It shows you how she struggled as a child, how she was driven by ambition as a young working woman, and how she and Obama slowly built a life together. It also shows you that despite the glamour of being the First Lady and rubbing elbows with The Queen, she was still a woman who had her fair share of difficulties. A mother who tried to give her children the chance to have a normal life despite being daughters of a president and a wife who supported the presidency of her husband even though there were times that it drained her. Yet, despite it all, she overcame these challenges.

Critics say that this book has a political agenda but then again, this is a biography of a woman who served as the First Lady of the United States. Therefore, it will have political aspects because politics was once a huge part of her life. However, even during those chapters where she talks about her life as a First Lady, it can still be noted from the general tone and direction of the book that its overall goal is to empower its readers.

Becoming by Michelle Obama is a book that will inspire its readers. Particularly for those who have experienced the discrimination that occurs simply because you look different. It is for those who feel that they are oppressed by their circumstances. For those who simply want to Become the best version of who they can be by taking control of their life’s narrative. As Michelle Obama once said: “Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something that you own.”

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