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‘He’s a grown man, he can do it’: Woman is derided by her husband for neglecting to cook him a meal while her father is in the hospital

wegotthiscovered.com 2024/10/6

He would need a trip to the hospital if he talked to me like that.

When a loved one is in the hospital, it can be hard to remember there is a nose on your face. Between rushing to meet their needs, the heavy financial burden, and juggling the never-ceasing daily mental load, hospital stays can truly push you to the brink of mental collapse. Those issues are just compounded when kids are added into the mix – especially when one of those is a 40-something-year-old man-child.

TikToker @ashleyvlaz, who goes by Stormy Lee on the app, shared a conversation between herself and her husband that is so frustrating, you’ll find yourself begging her to make him an ex-. In the minute-and-a-half exchange, the exhausted mom accepts her husband’s criticism with a deadpan serenity that really hammers home just how tired she must be.

After leaving for the hospital in the ungodly hours of the morning so she could be there to talk to her father’s heart surgeon ahead of open-heart surgery, the TikToker calmly admits she had little time for any of the usual tasks that morning. Beyond running out of time to do her make-up and hair while getting her family ready for a literally life-saving event, her husband’s sole focus is that she, and we quote, “could have got up to make breakfast.”

He reprimands her for “taking care of her own stuff,” while leaving her family to fend for themselves. “Is it that much to ask to wake up and cook a meal?” Does this guy even know the word hypocrite?

The comment section looks exactly how one might expect. Women and men alike were outraged by the do-nothing-husband. “Does HE not know how to cook!! Girl you deserve better.”

If it wasn’t infuriating enough to foist the labor of keeping the family fed solely on her shoulders, he downplays the reason they are in the hospital in the first place, while really emphasizing his own drama.

After she reminds him, “My dad just had open heart surgery,” the exhaustion lacing her voice is impossible to miss, unless you are this woman’s “doting” hubby. With the empathy of a freighter crashing into an elementary school at 60 MPH, he plows forward, “we still have to eat. Life goes on.”

Commentors latched onto his nonchalant cruelty, furious in a way that the original poster never showed.
“It’s the “eehhhhh, we have time. … you could’ve got up” 💀💀💀 Goodbye Earl,” One raged, referencing a song by The Chicks that embodies female rage.

I just love that moment in every wedding when the priest asks if the couple to be will support each other “in sickness and in health… but only if you make me breakfast first.”

Continuing with his “husband of the year” dialogue, he whines about how meals work. “There are people who need to eat, kids need to eat, I need to eat.” If the exchange wasn’t so frustrating, it would almost be hilarious as she pans to a half empty plate of food, all the while her husband complaining that he has no other choice but “to starve.”  One quick pan of the camera is more than enough for us to know that it’s going to take the man weeks, if not months, to waste away to skin and bone.

Some commenters shared stories of their own husbands, reminding her that just because she married him, doesn’t mean he’s the one. “My dad just got released from the hospital yesterday. my husband fixed my dad’s front step, installed 2 handrails at his house, and made me a fried egg sandwich when we got home bc I was emotionally exhausted. you deserve better. I hope your dad has a fast recovery.”

In the man-baby’s defense, hospital food in the United States is really a hit or miss. Healthy foods are a must for any patient looking to recover. While it seems like common sense for a hospital cafeteria to nail those food groups in each serving, reality is much less glamourous. Numerous medical journals have written extensively on the poor quality of food patients are served.

Regardless of dietitians, nutritionists, and executive chefs striving for healthy eats during hospital stays, some medical facilities are woefully underprepared to ensure patients get everything they need for a healthy and speedy recovery. We’re not going to lie; this particular hospital looks like it could use a new Executive Chef – soggy French fries really don’t seem like the gateway to a healthier future.  

There is no denying that the sheer rage this video induces is real, but some commenters aren’t convinced that the interaction is. AshleyVlaz operates several TikTok accounts, and many of her videos appear to be rage bait. She regularly leans on her preteen daughter for content, and up-plays the opinionated little lady’s snark for views.

If the drama is fake, there is no denying that their formula is working. If it isn’t, we agree with the Comment Section; that man is a big boy more than capable of making his own damn breakfast – a lesson he’ll learn well once she divorces his useless ass.

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