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Methodist Bishop Escapes Angry Congregants’ Wrath Over Gay Rights

liberianobserver.com 2 days ago

— Worshipers nearly beat prelate

Bishop Quire’s
Bishop Quire’s vehicle surrounded by angry Methodists

The Bishop of the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Bishop Samuel Jerome Quire Jr., narrowly escaped flogging at the hands of the local congregation or members for deceiving the church when over the controversial same-sex marriage issue that has rocked the ecumenical body in recent times.

The local congregation has been furious over the decision taken at the general convention in North Carolina, USA, where the United Methodist Church endorsed gay rights — primarily same-sex marriages and gay priests — something the Gompa District wanted Bishop Quire to call a Special Convention to take decisions on the issue.

However, Bishop has been hesitant to call for a Special Conference, arguing that he foresees some disciplinary actions among members and also noticed that some members have been incited to misbehave.

The Gompa District of the United Methodist Church is bitterly against the issues surrounding same-sex marriage. Having no good justification from Bishop Quire about why they should still remain part of the United Methodist Church angered the laity, leaving them to work out of the church and even prevented him from entering his car or even leaving.

With the help of his driver and other elders from the local congregation, he was forced into his car and hurriedly left the compound of the Methodist Mission in Ganta. 

The angry crowd threw water bags at the car, and at the same time hit the car with their hands, booing and calling him a betrayer and a liar.

They carried placards denouncing regionalization and same-sex marriage. Some placards read, “We refuse same-sex marriages in the UMC”, “We cannot regionalize sin”, “We support Biblical marriages, not gay” and, “We uphold the Bible is the guide to our Christian faith.”

“Why do you want us to still be with people who practice same-sex marriage when you had earlier promised us that we would not form part of any group that practices same-sex?” one of the lay readers asked.

Bishop Quire, who appears to be agitated over too much and shouting, told the congregation: “You don’t have to hold placards and leave the church in a group, but if dissatisfied with any decisions, it is your right to leave.”

In response to the question above, he said, “We can still be United in our own things, while [others] United carry on their own practice.”

But some members argued that if a pastor who practices same-sex marriage visits Liberia, what message will he preach and, if a Liberian pastor visits the USA, what will be his message too? He responded, saying that any pastor visiting the USA should preach content and no pastor will come without passing through my office.

The local church accused Bishop Quire of betraying the church for not following the 291st session of the Liberia Annual Conference (LAC), United Methodist Church, where he vowed not to associate with any decisions regarding gay marriage, promising that if the UMC endorsed gay marriage, the Liberia Annual Conference, as an Episcopal congregation, will disassociate or break away.

But in Bishop Quire’s explanation to convince them, they said at the General Conference in North Carolina, USA from April 23 - May 3, 2024, nearly all the regions within the United Methodist Church endorsed gay marriage, with the exception of Africa, who argued that same-sex marriage is not part African Culture.

He said despite that, the LAC and the African Union decided to remain part of the UMC, but not to practice or get involved with gay marriage.

He said those who endorse marriage described marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman or a relationship between two adults who agreed to live together.

The congregation as well as the laity and institutional heads appears to be defiant on the idea of gay marriage, something they expected Bishop Quire to also remain defiant to any decision taken by the UMC at the General Conference.

Bishop Quire’s clarity on the decision reached in the USA to the congregation was not satisfactory because he continues to convince the members to remain part of UMC and still avoid the question of same-sex marriage.

But, some members argued that “if you don’t want to be a rogue, why should you be friendly with a rogue? So it will be better for the LAC to break away or distance themselves from the UMC.”

However, the Gompa District came down strongly with a petition distancing themselves from the UMC over their decision regarding same-sex marriage.

The petition was prepared to be presented to the Bishop, but they could not because of his unceremonious departure from the promises.

“We, the Gompa District of the United Methodist Church, categorically and unanimously disagree in the strongest terms,” the petition said.

“We say no to your regionalization and same-sex marriage because it is un-Christian, it rejects the teaching of the Bible, it also equals homosexuality, and it promotes divide-and-rule in the church, among others.”


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