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NBA Sokoto Branch Election 2024: Fifteen (15) Delicacies From The Election By Prof. Ibrahim Abdullahi, SAN

barristerng.com 4 days ago

The 29th of June 2024 witnessed the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Sokoto Branch election which saw the emergence of Rashidat Mohammed Esq (the Borgu Woman) as the first elected Female Chairperson of the Association. Apart from this monumental feat that was accomplished, there are some delicacies that can be garnered from the emergence of the incumbent Chairperson of the NBA Sokoto Branch (the Caliphate Bar) which makes the Association to stand tall amongst all others. These include:

  1. In terms of the NBA Sokoto Branch Election 2024, the election has shown that the Branch is supreme over its own affairs.
  2. The emergence of the first Female Chairperson of the NBA Sokoto Branch is indicative of the supremacy of the votes of the electorate.
  3. The election has paved the way for more female participation in the civic arena which can be an investment for a more just, equitable, and peaceful NBA at the Branch level.
  4. ‘Win or lose’ are the inevitable outcome of any election and it may present a bitter pill that we must be prepared to swallow and forge ahead.
  5. An unbiased Electoral Committee like the Electoral Committee of the NBA Sokoto Branch played a crucial role and remains a key and primary player in the conduct of the free and fair election witnessed by the Branch.
  6. The Electoral Committee of the NBA Sokoto Branch had a positive grasp and control of the electoral process to the admiration of all.
  7. The election has shown that in any society or Association, there are bound to be conflicting interest as to who is to steer the ship of the Association and in the absence of a mediator, such conflicting interests may lead to chaos. It is the law through the electoral process that acts as the mediator.
  8. The gender of a candidate may be an extraneous consideration in the determination of the popular voice of the people.
  9. Life is not all about winning at all times and this was exhibited by those who lost the election accepting their defeats in good faith.
  10. The emergence of more female candidates vying for the number one position is more likely to be on the increase in subsequent elections at the Branch.
  11. Competitiveness and varieties which are often regarded as spices of life are now entrenched in the political landscape of NBA Sokoto Branch.
  12. Gender equality and democratic governance have been achieved.
  13. Democratic deficit in terms of representation have been bridged.
  14. Voxpopuli has been enhanced.
  15. There is now a monumental shift of paradigm in the scheme of NBA Sokoto Branch Election and future elections to come.

I say big congratulations to NBA Sokoto Branch as a whole for setting the pace for others to follow. To the elected Chairperson, please accept my warm congratulations on your victory and my best wishes for your success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of this exalted office.

As you embark upon your new responsibilities, I wish to assure you and the entire Excos of my continued support in uplifting and placing NBA Sokoto Branch on the global map.

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Prof. Ibrahim Abdullahi, SAN is of the Department of Private and Business Law,Faculty of Law,Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto and can reached at extrapage2014@gmail.com

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