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BREAKING: How Bella Disu Developed Five Magnificent Edifices in Nigeria

TheCapital.ng 3 days ago
Breaking: How Bella Disu Developed Five Magnificent Edifices in Nigeria

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Amid the towering genii of Nigeria’s corporate world, Bella Disu rises like a phoenix, her wings outspread in a blaze of entrepreneurial brilliance. To many, being a billionaire’s daughter assured her a life of perpetual ease and privilege, but the daughter of Adenuga shatters such facetious typecasts. Despite her pedigree, she would not be pigeonholed as yet another heiress cruising life on easy mode. Her journey thus far is a testament to a life of courage, purpose, and a fierce determination to carve her legacy.

Like a skilled artisan, she weaves her narrative with peerless depth, crafting a legacy that stands her tall amid the giants of industry.

Sitting at the helms of Cobblestone Properties and Estates, a renowned property development company, Bella has made remarkable forays into the real estate sector. Since she assumed office as Cobblestone’s CEO in November 2011, Bella has pioneered landmark developments across favoured Nigerian locations. The company boasts a comprehensive portfolio of residential and commercial properties, including iconic landmarks like Bella’s Place, The Mall, Ile-Oja at Opebi (Ikeja), and Sisi Paris. Each project reflects Bella’s meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality. …CONTINUE READING 

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Breaking: How Bella Disu Developed Five Magnificent Edifices in Nigeria

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