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Secure a $22/Hour Waiter Job in Canada with These Simple Steps

agbosblog.com.ng 3 days ago
waiter serving beverages

Waiter jobs in Canada are not only a great way to earn a competitive wage but also provide an opportunity to interact with diverse people and work in a dynamic environment. Earning $22 an hour as a waiter can significantly improve your financial situation while allowing you to gain valuable experience in the hospitality industry. Here’s how you can secure such a position with a few simple steps.

Step 1: Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter

Highlight Relevant Experience

When applying for a waiter job, it’s essential to highlight any relevant experience you have in the food and beverage industry. Include previous positions where you demonstrated excellent customer service, multitasking abilities, and teamwork.

Showcase Your Skills and Attributes

Skills such as communication, problem-solving, and the ability to work under pressure are crucial for a waiter. Be sure to mention these in your resume and provide examples of how you’ve used them in past jobs.

Tips for Crafting a Standout Resume

  • Keep it concise and to the point.
  • Use bullet points for easy readability.
  • Tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for.
  • Proofread to avoid any spelling or grammatical errors.

Step 2: Research Potential Employers

Identify High-Paying Restaurants and Cafes

Look for upscale restaurants, fine dining establishments, and popular cafes that are known to pay higher wages. These places often require waitstaff who have a higher level of professionalism and skill.

Explore Job Portals and Classifieds

Websites such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn frequently list waiter positions. Set up job alerts to stay updated on the latest opportunities.

Networking and Referrals

Connect with people in the hospitality industry. Attend industry events, join professional groups on social media, and ask friends or acquaintances if they know of any openings.

Step 3: Apply for Jobs

Where to Submit Applications

Submit your applications through online job portals, company websites, or in person at the restaurant. Make sure to follow the application instructions carefully.

Following Up on Applications

After submitting your application, follow up with a polite email or phone call to express your continued interest in the position. This shows initiative and enthusiasm.

Step 4: Ace the Interview

Common Interview Questions for Waiters

  • Why do you want to work at this restaurant?
  • How do you handle difficult customers?
  • Can you describe a time when you worked as part of a team?

How to Impress During the Interview

  • Be punctual and well-dressed.
  • Bring a copy of your resume and any relevant certifications.
  • Show enthusiasm for the role and the establishment.

Attire and Body Language

Dress professionally, typically in business casual attire. Maintain good posture, make eye contact, and smile to convey confidence and friendliness.

Step 5: Obtain Necessary Certifications

Food Handling Certification

In Canada, many provinces require food handlers to have a certification. This demonstrates your knowledge of food safety practices and can be obtained through an online course.

Responsible Beverage Service Certification

If you’ll be serving alcohol, you may need this certification, which ensures you understand the laws and practices around responsible alcohol service.

Step 6: Understand Canadian Work Culture

Customer Service Expectations

Canadian customers expect high levels of service, including friendliness, attentiveness, and professionalism. Be prepared to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

Workplace Etiquette and Communication

Respect for colleagues and effective communication are vital. Be polite, listen actively, and contribute positively to the team environment.

Step 7: Secure Visa Sponsorship (for International Applicants)

Types of Work Visas

  • Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP): Allows employers to hire foreign workers to fill temporary labor shortages.
  • International Mobility Program (IMP): Includes various streams such as the Working Holiday Visa, which allows young people to work in Canada.

Steps to Apply for a Work Visa

  1. Secure a Job Offer: Obtain a job offer from a Canadian employer willing to sponsor your visa.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Collect necessary documents such as your passport, job offer letter, and proof of qualifications.
  3. Submit Visa Application: Apply through the Canadian government’s immigration website or at a consulate/embassy.
  4. Attend Visa Interview: If required, attend an interview to discuss your application.
  5. Wait for Approval: Wait for your visa application to be processed and approved.


Securing a $22/hour waiter job in Canada involves careful preparation, thorough research, and demonstrating your skills and enthusiasm. By following these simple steps, you can increase your chances of landing a well-paying position in the Canadian hospitality industry.


What Qualifications Do I Need to Be a Waiter in Canada? Basic qualifications include a high school diploma, food handling certification, and experience in the hospitality industry.

How Can I Improve My Chances of Getting Hired? Gain relevant experience, obtain necessary certifications, and network within the industry.

Are There Opportunities for Career Advancement as a Waiter? Yes, experienced waiters can advance to supervisory or managerial roles within the restaurant.

What Are the Average Working Hours for a Waiter in Canada? Waiters typically work shifts, which can include evenings, weekends, and holidays. Full-time waiters usually work 35-40 hours per week.

How Can I Transition to a Permanent Resident After Securing a Job? You can apply for permanent residency through programs like the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) after gaining work experience in Canada.

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