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Reform candidate accused of ‘anti-Semitic slur’ after claiming Jews gave Britain ‘cheap money’ to win World War One

newsfinale.com 2 days ago

A REFORM candidate was today accused of “peddling antisemitic conspiracy theories” after claiming Britain backed the creation of Israel in return for “cheap money” from “the Jews”.

Frank Ward, who is standing for Nigel Farage’s party in Bassetlaw, Notts, told a hustings event that the UK had promised to support establishing a Jewish state to help fund World War One.

Frank Ward, 86, made the claims at a hustings last week
Frank Ward, 86, made the claims at a hustings last week

He claimed the supposed promise to give Israel land in the Middle East broke a similar agreement given to the Palestinians.

The ex-Labour member of 45 years told an audience last week: “The UK government would do well to honour a pledge made to the Palestinians in the First World War.

“In exchange for their contribution in fighting Germany, the British government would assist them to establish a Palestinian state.

“A similar pledge was made earlier to the Jews promising an Israeli state in exchange for borrowing cheap money to assist the funding of the war.

“Later, only the pledge to the Jews was honoured.

“Therefore, is there any wonder the Palestinians are resentful and angry at the Jews.”

Mr Ward, 86, told The Sun he stood by the remarks, adding: “I have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m only asking that the Palestinians be treated with the same level of equality.”

Asked if his comments were part of a conspiracy theory, he declared: “We borrowed the money, it’s all correct in history.

“Lloyd-George was the prime minister, he instructed James Arthur Balfour to negotiate with Lord Rothschild to get access to cheap money in exchange for the founding of a homeland in Palestine.

“And they did the same deal again with the Arabs, and forgot about the Arabs down the line.

“And that’s where the anger and the grievance comes from. It doesn’t come from anybody else. That’s history.”

But probed on whether the UK should engage with Hamas’ political wing, which is a proscribed organisation, he said: “You get extremists in all camps.

“You have extremists in the Jewish camp and you have extremists in the Palestinian camp.”

Mr Ward said it was right for Hamas to be a banned terror group in the UK but declared: “There’s got to be a representative front that we can talk to, or there will never be peace.

“As much as I deplore what the military wing is doing, especially the 7th October, there has to be some kind of proportionate response from Israel.

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“Many, many people, including Israelis, are against what’s happening at the moment in Gaza.”

His Tory rival Brendan Clarke-Smith told The Sun: “It’s outrageous that Reform are standing candidates who are unvetted and peddling antisemitic conspiracy theories such as this.

“These views have no place in Bassetlaw or anywhere else and the only credible centre-right choice is to vote Conservative.

“It just goes to show that a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour.”

And the Campaign Against Antisemitism charity group said: “Frank Ward’s comments are utterly appalling and to make matters worse, he reportedly stands by them.

“In asking if there is ‘any wonder the Palestinians are resentful and angry at the Jews,’ Mr Ward has dropped any pretence in pretending that he is referring to Israeli policy.

“Mr Ward’s comments also come just days after our extensive dossier on the concerning online activity of some of Reform UK’s parliamentary candidates.

“Reform needs to urgently look at these comments and state whether they stand by him.”

Reform was approached for comment.

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