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Feature- #MakeNigeriaBetter: Benue State

newswings.com.ng 2 days ago

Our make Nigeria Better Series takes us to Benue State today and we look at the goldmine that is being sat upon there

[1] Known as the bread basket of the nation, Benue State arguably produces more food than any other state in the federation. It should be home to the world’s largest food processing plants with zero unemployment

[2] Do you know that Nigeria accounts for 70% of global yam production and Benue State is our major producer. Yam alone should fuel the economy of Benue State, with the state producing pounded yam, yam flour, yam meal, etc

[3] Now, the supply of tropical farm produce is one area where Nigeria has a competitive edge. We are the world’s largest producer of certain tropical crops like yam, cassava, shea nuts, kolanuts, cashews, melon seeds, gourds, etc and can literally do what we want in the global marketplace with these crops. We should make Benue State the world’s largest producer of all these crops

[4] Why for instance can we not offer designer yams in the shapes and forms people want and deliver them to anywhere in the world at a premium? If people buy bespoke wine, cars, watches, chocolate and manufactured goods, why can’t this apply to the agricultural produce we supply too?

[5] All we really need to do is work on our food preservation technology so that for instance a tuber of yam can last for a year without going off. Why can we not for instance supply a Merry Christmas sign designed of yam, deliverable to every country in the world?

[6] You know, once we have a breakthrough with one crop, the floodgates will open. I can see all the world’s major food companies coming to Nigeria to open manufacturing facilities

[7] Benue State’s large urban centres like Makurdi, Gboko, Oturkpo, Katsina-Ala, etc, should all be major industrial centres with giant food processing plants

[8] In addition, Benue State also straddles to River Benue. Can someone please explain to me why the state government has not build a 10,000MW hydroelectric power plant at somewhere like Gbajimba?

[9] Given how the River Benue overfloods its banks every year. What should happen is that the Benue State government should build a mega artificial reservoir at somewhere like Ajebe or Oweto and use it to provide water for irrigation to all of Nigeria’s states

[10] Benue State should also exploit its position as a major transit point. It is a key link between the north and south of the country so should have a thriving hospitality industry with hotels, theme parks, fair grounds, restaurants, etc in all of its major cities like Makurdi, Gboko, Oturkpo and Katsina-Ala

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